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Woman raped on pretext of removing black magic, accused tantrik arrested

A 45-year-old man was arrested in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh for raping a woman on the pretext of black magic. Police said that this action has been taken against the accused Dinesh Chaurasia after a case was registered at Ramgarh Tal police station.

The woman was alone in the house

Giving information in this regard to news agency PTI, Ramgarh Tal police station SHO Chitwan Kumar Singh said that the accused had told the 42-year-old woman that her domestic issues would be solved through black magic. Along with this, her illness would also be cured. The officer said that the woman had called him to her house to get rid of her problems. During this time there was no one at the woman’s house.

Also read: 77 needles were stuck in the girl’s head, doctors removed them through surgery… The Tantrik did black magic in the name of treatment

Police said that when the accused Dinesh Chaurasia reached the woman’s house, she was alone. Taking advantage of this, he gave the woman intoxicants and raped her. Leaving the woman in an unconscious state, the accused fled from there with jewelry and other valuables.

Police arrested the woman on the complaint of her husband

When the woman regained consciousness, she started crying. After this, she told the whole thing to her husband. After which the woman’s husband lodged a report in the police station on Thursday and he was arrested on Saturday. During police interrogation, he admitted to raping the woman. It has also been learned that Deepak Chaurasia has committed many such incidents before. He is also being questioned about this.

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