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Who is the new queen of the tribal society in New Zealand, crowned at the age of 27, anointed with sacred oils

The Kiingitanga movement in New Zealand has elected the second Māori queen in its eight-lineage monarchy. King Kiingi Tuheitea’s eldest daughter ‘Nga Wai Hono i te po’ has been made queen. The queen was crowned in a grand ceremony. Thousands of people from New Zealand’s Turangawaewae marae were present at the ceremony.

She became queen after her father’s death

Kiingi Tuheitea, who was king of the Māori until then, died on Friday at the age of 69 after heart surgery. Now his only daughter has been chosen as the new queen of the Māori, marking the start of a new generation. Tekau-Maa-Rua president Che Wilson said the Te Whakawahinga ceremony was very important and had been carried on for eight generations. “We follow the culture of our ancestors who founded Kiingitanga. We have chosen Nga Wai Hono i te po as the new queen,” he said. She was anointed with sacred oils and blessed with the same Bible used to crown the first Māori king in 1858.

The Kingitanga, also known as the Māori King Movement, is an indigenous New Zealand monarchy founded in 1858 by Tainui and other leaders to unite the Māori tribes against British settlers’ encroachment on their territories. They have no legal authority and the role is ceremonial. They are also regarded as the supreme chiefs of many tribes.

Where has the new Maori queen studied?

Nga Wai Hono i te po Paki has a master’s degree in Maori cultural studies from the University of Waikato in New Zealand and at the age of 19 had a moko kauae tattooed on her chin as a tribute to her father and his reign. A traditional tattoo worn on the chin by Maori women. In Maori culture, the face is considered very sacred and facial tattoos are given great importance. In addition to the moko kauae, Maori men also get moko kanohi tattooed on their faces.

Who are the Maori society?

Since New Zealand’s election victory in October, Kiingitanga has played a major role in unifying Māori, and has been active in protests against proposed policies that many see as rolling back Māori rights. Let us tell you that the Māori society is the society of the indigenous people of New Zealand. The Māori people are the second largest ethnic group living in New Zealand after Europeans.

Treaty of Waitangi lawyer Annette Sykes, who has spent her life fighting for Māori rights, said the new queen represented the future she aims for. “She is inspirational. The work to revive and protect our language has been ongoing for 40 years. The new queen speaks her first language, which she speaks fluently. She cares about the political, economic and social well-being of our people and in many ways is like her grandmother, who was loved by the country,” she added.

The new Maori queen wears Gucci

“She is a new beginning, and we must congratulate the advisory council for making wise decisions. We have seen her grow up. She is very humble and brings real wisdom to today’s times. She wears Gucci and has a moko kauae (chin tattoo). She will lead us with confidence into new and difficult times,” he added.

Nga Wai Hono i te Po Paki met Prince Charles in London in 2022 and said she went there to honor her ancestors but found it hard to see the poor impact of colonialism on Māori in New Zealand. “My great wish is that all Māori land be returned to Māori,” she said. Kiingi Tuheitea’s mother, Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangitaaku, became the first Māori queen in 1966.


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