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What will happen if sugar is not consumed for 14 days, know what health experts say

Sugar is an important part of our diet. Sugar is present in everything from tea-coffee to biscuits, juice, chocolate and readymade foods. Also, the use of sugar to enhance the taste of food is a common practice. But, consumption of sugar can be harmful for the body and excess sugar can also invite serious diseases like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. But, have you ever wondered what will happen if you stop eating sugar for 14 days?

So let us know from health and lifestyle expert Bhavika Patel what are the benefits of giving up sugar for 14 days.

Day 1-3: These symptoms will appear

It can be very difficult to give up sugar in the first 3 days. You may face problems like headache, stomach ache, fatigue, which is a common thing. This is a sign that your body can live without sugar.

Day 4-7: Energy and Focus

From the fourth day onwards, your body will feel completely refreshed. This will make you feel very energetic. Also, your sugar level will also remain under control.

Day 8-10: Digestion

As you stop eating sugar, your digestion will start improving. You will get relief from constipation, bloating and many other stomach related problems.

Day 11-14: Loss of appetite and good sleep

After the second week of quitting sugar, your desire to eat sweets will decrease and your body will feel better. Along with this, your sleep related problems will also end.

benefits of quitting sugar

1. Blood sugar level will remain controlled

If you do not eat sugar for 14 days, then your blood sugar level will remain under control. Actually, sugar increases the risk of obesity and diabetes. In such a situation, removing sugar from the diet can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. But if you start consuming sugar again, then it can cause a sudden spike in blood sugar level.

2. Will help in weight loss

Sugar is a high calorie food. In such a situation, consuming too much sugar can make you obese. However, if you stop consuming sugar, it can help in reducing weight.

3. Fatigue will go away

Consuming sugar increases the blood sugar level very quickly. Due to this, you start feeling tired and lethargic. But, if you stop consuming sugar, then your blood sugar level will remain under control. Due to this, you will feel energetic and active throughout the day.

4. Immunity will remain strong

Consuming too much sugar weakens the immune system. In such a situation, you are more susceptible to diseases. But, if you stop consuming sugar, it will strengthen the body’s immunity.

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