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What to do and what not to do to avoid man-eating wolves… now alerts are being given by distributing pamphlets

Experts are being hired to catch the man-eating wolves in Bahraich. These experts will help the forest department team to identify the behavior of the wolves and control them. Along with this, the forest department is now going door-to-door and distributing leaflets to make the villagers aware of the danger of wolves. The leaflets contain what to do and what not to do to avoid wolves.

The Forest Department had requested the Wildlife Institute of India to appoint an expert on wolf behaviour to help reduce the terror of wolves in Bahraich. The Wildlife Institute has sent one of its best scientists, Dr. Shaheer Khan, to Bahraich to help the Forest Department in catching two wolves.

Experts’ experience will help
Dr. Khan has done his PhD on the behaviour of wolves. He has a lot of experience in catching wolves. The forest department hopes that his experience will add a new dimension to the ongoing campaign to catch wolves. Also, with his help, it will be easier to catch wolves and understand them.

Wolf is necessary for eco system
Dr. Shahir Khan, a wolf expert at the Wildlife Institute of India (WII), says that each species has a special role in the ecosystem. In such a situation, removing any one species of wolf from the system can destroy the entire ecosystem. The way wolves have become man-eaters in Bahraich. Such incidents have happened before as well. Dr. Khan mentioned a similar incident in Yellowstone National Park in the USA. Where after the wolves were exterminated, there was a huge disturbance in the ecosystem.

Also read: The hideout of the man-eating wolf has been found… the whole family used to live here

No wolf attack was reported in 5 days
Forest department official Sanjay Pathak said that in the last 5 days, no attack by man-eating wolves has been reported. It is expected that the wolves have found their hiding place or have gone somewhere else. However, the forest department is distributing pamphlets to alert the nearby villagers. It contains what to do and what not to do to avoid wolves. Apart from this, there are paw marks of animals like wolves, jackals, lions etc. This will help the villagers to differentiate between them.


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