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What did Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman say on the allegations of ‘save the chair’ and ‘cut paste’ budget

In Modi Government 3.0, after the results of the Lok Sabha elections on June 4, the most discussed topic is the general budget. There are two reasons behind this. The first is that the opposition is attacking the government over the budget, while the second reason is that Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has set a new record by presenting the budget for the seventh time. This is the first time that a Finance Minister has presented the budget seven times in a row. Amidst all this, Aaj Tak had a special conversation with Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. During this, the Finance Minister answered many questions frankly.

On the allegations of the opposition that the first general budget of Modi Government 3.0 is a ‘kursi sakao’ and ‘cut paste’ budget, the Finance Minister said that a lot of work had already been done on our budget at the time of the Vote on Account (interim budget). This budget also mentions the topics of that Vote on Account, because that was the budget for the first four months of this financial year and this is the budget for the remaining 8 months. The more important topic is the budget that will determine the direction of the coming 5 years, which are the five years of Amritkaal. What will be the place of women in it, what will be done for the poor, what will be done for the farmers, what will be done for the youth.

He said that we had mentioned this at the time of Vote on Account keeping in mind developed India. We have talked about it in detail in this budget. So there is no right to claim ‘cut paste’ in this. If India has to be a developed India by 2047, what are we going to do in the first five years in the path we are making for it, Prime Minister ji had already said this through our budget before the elections. Who are the ones to claim cut paste in this? Do those who claim have the right? Congress party is doing this drama to mislead the public, I want to reject it completely.

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