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Weekly Horoscope: September 8 to 14, 2024

Yours Here is the weekly horoscope. Mars, the planet of action is in the watery sign of volatile emotions, Cancer. This is the moment to raise your consciousness. Get behind the driver’s wheel, or in this case, the diver’s bell, to align your actions with your passion. Constant overexposure to stories that trigger our fight-or-flight response can make you defensive, so take a break and breathe. Give it three long, slow breaths and decide how you choose to respond. Mercury in earthy Virgo (and it’s Virgo season) makes this an ideal time to focus on grounding routines and really being present in the moment. Be in the moment with every conversation, action, and choice, no matter how big or small, and notice the difference this approach makes to you, the quality of your relationships, and your results. In short, if you’re hot and bothered, go outside and touch some grass. Then make the changes you need to make.

Read on to find out your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your zodiac sign during the week of September 8 to 14, 2024.


Focus on communication and ideas in your work area as Mercury goes awry on Monday. Comb through best practices, what you’re aiming for, and the most effective way to achieve your goal. Once you have a plan, you are less likely to get distracted. With your roadmap and goals clear, you’ll be able to stay on track more easily. Explore your options for grants, positions, clients, platforms, or anything else that supports your work. Maybe it’s time to invest in a new tool for your work or upgrade. In terms of wellness, relax your mind through a guided meditation or mix it up with an app; There are plenty of great freebies on YouTube. If you need a pick-me-up, try that instead of reaching for a sugar hit or a quick snack. On the other hand, if you’re at a desk and need to move and recharge your body, a brisk walk, jumping jack, or stretch might do the trick.


Your area of ​​pleasure, romance and self-expression gets a boost as Mercury zips by. Follow your curiosity and explore interest to learn more about it. Or put time into your own opus. Maybe look for a writing group or opportunities to support your talent. Or go to the movie you’re drawn to, then watch YouTube fan videos for all the Easter eggs. Or, create your own! What is piqued your interest in terms of health and nutrition? Have you followed anything? Now is the time for you to make a plan that you enjoy not just as a chore, but as a pastime! Take it easy and walk, or have small gatherings where each guest shares a skill or recipe. This is your PowerPoint party moment—plan one for your home or attend to pick up tips and friends!


A good rule of thumb is to act on your values ​​when earning or investing your income. The next few months are no exception. In fact, you can go back to the drawing board to change your strategy or what you invest your energy in. This period is useful to see what is effective and what does not pay back as much as you put in. For fresh ideas or approaches, survey what’s working for others and see what you can apply or if it resonates. Mercury moving into your home sector suggests keeping an eye on the details, especially around conversations. Focus on the facts and be objective. This is a great time to write and post your chore/to-do list so everyone shares the load. Put on your writing hat – this suggests writing a memoir or journaling your knowledge on a particular topic.


Mars continues in your sign, preferring speed, pressure and steam. Since you’re at the peak of willpower, build like a steam engine and push a project, goal, or idea onto paper or into the next phase. If you feel reactive, hot and bothered, take a cool breath or three, then use your energy wisely. Work on the house – whether it’s autumn cleaning, setting up your work or creative station, or painting the door yellow to invite wealth, energy is well spent. If you have children, they may call for your support during this period. Will you lend a hand, or do your own projects have more pressing timelines? Mercury moves through your domestic relationship and study sector, making this the perfect time to join a study group to brush up on the subject and stick to it.

the lion

Mars, named after the Roman god of war and debauchery, marches into the realm of your dreams and into liminal space. This can result in some restless sleep and combative nightmares, so double up on your pre-sleep rituals. Cut out the blue light, wind down and invite sleep with soothing sounds. Take a searching and confident approach to diving into your inner terrain through guided visualization, or exert yourself through mindful physical practice and then turn to meditation. Energy used in service to others is energy well spent during this period. Mercury, the planet of communication, will be moving into your financial sector for the next few weeks, so take a look at your assets and review your options and goals.


As we move deeper into Virgo season, your ruling planet, Mercury, joins the Sun in your sign this Monday, quickening and illuminating your mind, thoughts and connections. Already sharp as a tack and quick as a whip, this period will have you doing double time and maybe a few double takes! Express yourself and level up your communication and writing game. If you find and fill out applications that will move your needle, do it. Consider the various ways the pen is mightier than the sword. Take aim and kill the goal or idea you want to seed into the world. Say yes to networking opportunities and give them your best pitch. Practice to make sure the confidence factor is on point—we don’t want too much humble pie, girl. Note what draws your analytical eye and how you can use the data you collect.


Your career and public image sphere is activated, so lead like everyone’s eyes. This is a great time to pursue business goals, network, and close the gap with your connections, so take the first step. There is only one catch. You’re a different sign, and during this period you need to be less about balance and more about favoring someone who needs you to support them. Like family, sometimes it’s everything, supporting someone no matter what. And there is the rub. Take on a nurturing role or find someone who takes you under their watchful and maternal wing. Mercury will slip into your zen zone from Monday to September 26. Take time alone to digest and integrate your thoughts.


The Moon moves through your sign at the end of the week and into Monday, giving you a Scorpio-style start to the week. Connect with intimates and friends and tune into your shared history to bond. After a 34-year hiatus, *Betlejuice* has just hit the big screen with a humorous take on the Scorpionic metaphysical themes of the afterlife. Starring the classic Scorpio Winona Ryder, this could be the perfect reason to wear black and go to the cinema together. Share your spooky personal stories over drinks afterward — because everyone has at least one! Mercury falls in your friendship sector, so forming alliances with groups of common interest is essential.


Your sign hosts La Luna from Monday’s lunch to Wednesday’s brunch, which marks the quarter-moon phase. You may feel an urge to express yourself or your direction is at odds with what you know is an effective professional approach or image. Take the time to determine the boundaries between your personal self-expression and professional self. If there is a common one, dial it. This is a great time to network in your professional field, get the word out, help others with communication, and upgrade tools as Mercury races through this field. Listen for valuable intel and stick to the task with a goal in mind. Come from the place of service, and you will be able to complete the assignment.


When the Moon is in Capricorn, from brunch on Wednesday until the very early hours of Saturday is the time to take care of business. Enjoy earthly happiness and continue to build your empire. And yes, support with your feelings. Mercury, the planet of communication, rules your sector of international connections and higher education, so take a bird’s-eye view of a topic and engage in meaningful discussions. Get down to the granular specifics and examine the threads of an argument or belief system—or is it a path to travel? While we can’t all travel across the pond this month, we can bring an international flavor to our day through culture, cuisine and outlook. Mars in your relationship sector is a little belligerent if the energy isn’t wasted, so get physical with biking, swimming, cooking, or a group hug!


La Luna hits your sign later in the week, so socialize, promote a cause close to your heart, or lean into a topic you’ve been wanting to learn more about. As your heart aligns with your head, share your feelings and connect with someone who resonates with you. While you are the different type, Mars, the planet of action, is about being protective and working through emotions. Balance your needs and necessary adjustments with your need for personal and intellectual space. Your field of work and well-being host Mars this season, so use your energy to connect with colleagues and drive initiatives. Mercury in your sex and intimacy sector indicates interest in what, when and how. Get down to the nitty-gritty in your conversation.


The psychopomp planet of communication moves into your opposite sign on Monday, suggesting that someone doesn’t speak the same language as you—and hey, you’ll love it. A detailed approach and landing your vision into practical, actionable advice or ways forward is the perfect balance for your flights of creative fancy. In your realm of one-on-ones, the best option right now is to team up, so make dates, appointments and meetings and stick to your schedule. Take short trips together and remember to get both sides of all stories. Since Mercury is inquisitive and a bit devious, take note of who may represent this archetype in your life. This is a great opportunity to get to know someone better, so ask all the questions and even share some stories from your life.

Vanessa Montgomery—aka Astro All-Stars—is a professional counseling astrologer and upcoming author. Astro Power: A Simple Guide to Prediction and Destiny for the Modern Mystic. Aimed at seeking enlightenment and looking past labels of the unity that unites us all, Montgomery’s work also helps navigate practical imperatives with grounded cosmic intel. Her motto: Free your mind, own your power, create your world. You can learn more here Or follow Montgomery on Instagram @astro_allstarz.

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