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WASPI Compensation Claim Form, Payout Amount and Other Details!

The Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI) campaign aims to address the financial injustices faced by women born between April 6, 1950, and April 5, 1960, who were not adequately notified about changes to their state pension age. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to file a WASPI Compensation Claim Form, the payout amount, and other essential details.

What You Need to Know

Eligibility Criteria

Women born between April 6, 1950, and April 5, 1960, are eligible for WASPI compensation if they were not properly notified about the changes to their state pension age. This includes women who were not informed about the 1995 legislation and its 2011 acceleration, which increased their state pension age.

Required Documentation

To file a WASPI Compensation Claim Form, you will need the following documents:

Document TypeDescription
Proof of Birth DateDocuments verifying your birth date between April 6, 1950, and April 5, 1960.
Impact DocumentationEvidence showing how the increase in pension age has affected your retirement plans.
WASPI CalculatorUse the WASPI calculator to estimate your potential compensation amount.
Contact InformationYour email address, phone number, address, and full name.

Steps to File a Claim

To ensure a streamlined and successful claim process, follow these steps:

1. Contact the DWPObtain the latest requirements and detailed instructions for filling out your claim form.
2. Prepare Necessary DocumentsGather proof of your birth date and impact documentation.
3. Complete the Claim FormCarefully fill out the WASPI compensation claim form with all required details, including your proof of birth date and impact documentation.
4. Follow DWP GuidelinesAdhere to the specific guidelines, which may include additional forms and supporting paperwork.

What to Expect After Submitting the Claim

After submitting your WASPI Compensation Claim Form, you can expect the following steps:

1. DWP ReviewThe DWP reviews your claim, ensuring all required information and documents are provided.
2. DecisionThe DWP will approve, reject, or request more details regarding your claim.
3. NotificationYou will be informed of the outcome through your provided contact information.
4. CompensationIf approved, you will receive the compensation amount, which varies based on your unique situation.
5. AppealIf your claim is rejected or you disagree with the decision, you have the option to appeal.

Also Check

Payout Amount

The compensation amount is proposed to be categorized based on the dates of birth and the impact of the pension age change on the individuals. The amount of compensation can range from £1,000 to £2,950, depending on various factors such as the severity of injustice experienced.

Timeline and Influencing Variables

The timeline for WASPI Compensation Distribution and the factors that determine the amount are as follows:

Timeline for DistributionThe Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) has recommended compensation, but the government’s response is pending.
Influencing VariablesThe amount of compensation is influenced by the severity of injustice experienced due to the lack of proper notification about the changes. Individual circumstances, such as financial and emotional impact, will also play a role in determining the compensation amount.


  • What is the WASPI compensation amount?: £1,000 to £2,950, with campaigners advocating for up to £10,000 per woman.
  • Who is eligible for WASPI compensation?: Women born between April 6, 1950, and April 5, 1960, affected by state pension age changes.
  • What documents are needed to file a claim?: Proof of birth date and impact documentation showing how the pension age increase affected your retirement plans.
  • How can I estimate my WASPI compensation?: Use the WASPI calculator available on their website.
  • What should I do if my claim is rejected?: You can appeal through the DWP complaints process and, if necessary, escalate to a parliamentary committee or seek a Judicial Review.