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Was Trump really shot? Why did the FBI director raise questions about the attack

The deadly attack on former US President Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania is in the news. He narrowly escaped this attack. The bullet grazed his ear. The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) appeared before the US House Judiciary Committee in connection with the investigation of this attack.

During this time, FBI director Christopher Ray expressed his doubts about the bullet that hit Trump at the Pennsylvania rally. In his testimony before the Judiciary Committee, he said that he cannot say anything with certainty whether Trump was shot or hit by bullet pellets at this rally.

What did the FBI director say about Trump’s security lapse?

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According to the Daily Mail report, Christopher said that some questions remain about this attack and we cannot say with certainty whether former President Trump’s ear was hit by a bullet or bullet pellets. He said that at the moment I do not know whether it was a bullet or not.

Christopher presented his view on the lapse in Trump’s security before the US House Judiciary Committee. He said that there was a lapse in Trump’s security at the rally, due to which Thomas Matthew Crooks was able to attend the rally and attack Trump despite being identified as a suspect.

Christopher said in his testimony that Crooks used a ladder to climb to the roof of the building. He fired a total of eight rounds from an AR-15 rifle. One person, Corey Comperatore, was killed in this attack while two were injured.

Searched about Kennedy’s attacker

During this, Christopher told that before carrying out this attack, Trump’s attacker Thomas had searched on Google about the attack on former President John F. Kennedy in 1963. Thomas had gathered information about Kennedy’s assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. He had searched on Google how far Oswald was from Kennedy during the attack?

How was Trump attacked?

While addressing an election rally in Pennsylvania, USA, bullets were fired continuously. During this, a bullet grazed the upper part of Trump’s right ear. Trump’s ear started bleeding, then the security guards came and surrounded Trump from all sides and took him out of the spot and took him to a safe place. The Secret Service killed the attacker on the spot.

After Trump’s narrow escape, it was said that the decision of not using the teleprompter proved to be very beneficial for him. Actually, Trump uses a teleprompter during his rallies, but today for the first time he said that he will not use it. He told his supporters that I will not use the teleprompter today and will communicate with you directly. Then firing took place and the bullet touched his ear and passed by.

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