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VIDEO: A lion came in the middle of the road, passers-by were left breathless, then…

Many videos of lion hunting and attacks go viral on the internet. Obviously people are interested in such videos, so they appear in the algorithm of social media. But a video is going viral which will send a chill down your spine. This video is viral on Instagram.

In this video, the king of the jungle can be seen roaming on the road. The surprising thing is that, when the lion was on the road, everyone from children to the elderly were present on the road. Seeing this terrifying sight, the people present there were scared. This video has been shared from the handle of the Insta page named Who often keeps sharing videos related to wildlife.

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This video of just a few seconds is being told of a village in Gir, Gujarat, in which the lion is seen walking in its own style on a crowded road. Seeing the lion, the people present there panic and vacate the road to save themselves. There was such an atmosphere of chaos that people parked their bikes on the road and stood behind the lion. The lion is seen walking on the road silently without any movement.

How do lions come to the streets of Gujarat

The Gir region of Gujarat is the only natural home of the Asiatic lion. It is known for the Gir National Park. It is spread across Junagadh, Amreli, and Gir Somnath districts and covers an area of ​​about 1,412 square kilometers. Apart from lions, leopards, deer, nilgai, chinkara, sambar and more than 300 bird species are found here.

In the Gir areas of Gujarat, lions are often seen on the roads because the distance between the forest and residential areas is less. Lions come to villages and roads in search of food and water, especially during times of rain and waterlogging. Due to the increase in human activities in the natural habitat of lions, lions also come near human settlements. Due to which their presence is seen on the roads.


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