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Venezuelan opposition leader flees to Spain

The man considered by many to be the de facto winner of the recent elections in Venezuela has fled the country and has been granted asylum in Spain.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain announced Opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez left Venezuela on a Spanish Air Force plane on Sunday.

González ran against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in July’s presidential vote. The leftist strongman, who has ruled the country since 2013 after the death of Hugo Chavez, declared himself the winner. contested the election.

However, the country’s opposition managed to gather a majority of voters after the polls, with González’s results showing. to kill Maduro by an easy margin.

“The Spanish government reiterates its commitment to the political rights and physical integrity of all Venezuelans, especially political leaders,” Spain’s foreign ministry said. His statement.

A Venezuelan judge last Monday issued An arrest warrant for Gonzalez, 75, but Vice President Delsey Rodriguez said that the opposition leader was given safe passage from the South American nation “for the sake of the country’s peace and political stability”.

Maduro has overseen it A dramatic decline in financial fortunes of an oil-rich state, with petroleum production at a fraction of where it was in the past. The number of refugees seeking to flee the country and escape poverty, meanwhile, has exploded in recent years.

The government has recently been reappointed, meanwhile Condemned all aroundWhen the vote results are in recognized by other autocratic states including Russia, China and Cuba.

Post Venezuelan opposition leader flees to Spain appeared first Politico.

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