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Vance refused to condemn Carlson after meeting with Holocaust revisionists

Former President Donald J. Trump’s running mate, Senator JD Vance, refused to reprimand right-wing talk-show host Tucker Carlson for praising and airing the views of a Holocaust revisionist who falsely claimed that the extermination of European Jews by the Nazis was not a deliberate act of premeditated genocide.

Mr. Vance is scheduled to appear on stage with Mr. Carlson on Sept. 21 in Hershey, Pa. Mr. Carlson is no stranger to controversy, but his recent encounter with Daryl Cooper, whom he described as “the best and most honest popular historian of the United States,” has dealt a particularly stinging blow.

The Nazis’ “Final Solution” for Europe’s Jewish population was planned, documented, and even after the tide of World War II had turned and Germany’s defeat was assured. However, Mr. Cooper, in an interview with Mr. Carlson shared on the social media site X earlier this week, falsely claimed that the Holocaust was an accident of history, perpetrated by a German army overwhelmed by prisoners of war.

After the German army entered Eastern Europe, he said, “They went in without a plan and they just threw these people into the camps. And millions of people died there.

Mr Cooper went on to say that Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister, was the “chief villain of the Second World War” for declaring war on Germany after the Nazis invaded Poland.

In a statement to Jewish insiderA Vance campaign spokesperson wrote, “Senator Vance does not believe in the crime-by-association cancel culture but he apparently does not share the views of the guest interviewed by Tucker Carlson. There are no stronger supporters of our allies in Israel or the Jewish community in America than Senator Vance and President Trump.

The statement continued, “As Senator Vance and President Trump stand firm in support of our allies in Israel, radical Kamala Harris continues to cater to the anti-Semitic Hamas wing of her party.”

Jewish voters have found themselves suppressed and respected by both parties, even as anti-Semitism prevails from the fringes of the political left and right. Protests against the war in Gaza have sometimes turned into open bigotry, and Republicans led by Mr. Trump have tried to align anti-Israel voices with the Democratic Party.

“And I keep saying, if you have them to support and you’re Jewish, you have to get your head examined,” Mr. Trump said of Democrats in a video address to a gathering of the Republican Jewish Coalition in Las Vegas on Thursday. . “They have been very mean to you.”

Republicans, however, have embraced conservative figures who have used antisemitic tropes and associated with committed antisemites. When Mr. Trump dined with a white supremacist, Nick Fuentes, and the entertainer Kanye West at his Palm Beach mansion two years ago, Mr. West said he was going to “go to death prevention 3 on the Jewish people.”

Sohrab Ahmari, a conservative thinker and colleague of Mr. Vance, wrote at length On point and Posted on social media“I can’t get over this. Claims have been made. The fact that Tucker saw fit to give this guy an unnecessary platform.” He added, “This area of ​​law is inauspicious. I’ll stop saying ‘they’ve lost their minds.’ No, it’s worse than that.”

Post Vance refused to condemn Carlson after meeting with Holocaust revisionists appeared first New York Times.

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