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Upset over having a daughter, mother slits throat of 9-day-old newborn, Delhi Police arrests her

A sensational incident of murder of a newborn girl has come to light in Mundka area of ​​Delhi. Here a 22-year-old woman slit the throat of a 9-day-old newborn girl in her house, due to which she died. The accused woman did not want a daughter, so she killed her. The police have arrested the accused woman.

According to the information, this incident took place in Baba Haridas Colony in Tikri, Mundka in the capital. The couple lives on the second floor of a building here. The woman gave birth to a baby girl 9 days ago. The woman was disappointed ever since the baby was born. She wanted a son, but after having a daughter, her hopes were dashed.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (Outer) Jimmy Chiram said that the accused woman’s husband Govinda went to the local police station and told that his wife had slit their daughter’s throat. After this, a police team was sent to his house. The police found the newborn dead in one room, while her mother was in another room. The accused was brought to the police station.

The accused woman, after sustained interrogation, revealed that she did not want a daughter, so she killed her. The police have recovered the knife used in the crime. A case has been registered against the accused under Section 103(1) of the BNS. He has been arrested and sent to judicial custody. The police are investigating the case.

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A police officer said that the husband of the accused woman works as a laborer in a shoe factory in Bahadurgarh, Haryana. In the year 2019, he came to Delhi with his wife, mother and brother. He also has a son of about two years. Despite this, the woman wanted a second son. After this incident, sensation has spread in the entire area.

Let us tell you that in another case, a man shot his own seven-year-old daughter dead in Model Town area of ​​Delhi. After this, the body was buried in the crematorium. The police arrested the accused father. It is being said that he has an old criminal record. The accused had told the family that the murder was an accident.

The accused said that he was cocking the pistol. During this, the bullet was fired accidentally, which hit the girl. He told his wife and mother that the girl died accidentally. After receiving the information, the police took the body out of the crematorium and sent it to Babu Jagjivan Ram Hospital for postmortem.

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