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Ukraine’s foreign minister offers to resign as Zelensky plans major shake-up

Ukraine’s foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, offered to resign on Wednesday amid plans by President Volodymyr Zelensky to reshuffle his cabinet in the biggest shake-up since Russia invaded two years ago.

At least six other senior leaders in Mr. Zelensky’s government have offered to resign, said Ruslan Stefanchuk, the speaker of Ukraine’s parliament. More cabinet members were expected to offer their resignations on Wednesday and a new list of ministers was to be presented on Thursday.

“Our state institutions must be set up in such a way that Ukraine will achieve all the results we want – for all of us,” Mr Zelensky said in an address to the nation on Tuesday night. “To do this, we need to strengthen some areas in government – and staffing decisions are made.”

The restructuring appears to be the most far-reaching move by Mr Zelensky’s administration since Russia launched its full-scale offensive in February 2022, and comes at a particularly precarious moment in the war, with Kiev rushing reinforcements to its eastern front. In an attempt to stabilize his defensive lines.

Mr Stefanchuk said other government leaders who had submitted their resignations included Strategic Industries Minister Oleksandr Kamishin; Denis Maliuska, Minister of Justice; Ruslan Strilets, Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources; Vitaly Koval, Head of the State Property Fund; Irina Vereshchuk, Minister for Reunification of Temporarily Occupied Territories; and Olha Stefanishina, Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration.

Post Ukraine’s foreign minister offers to resign as Zelensky plans major shake-up appeared first New York Times.

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