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Ugh heat…! June is the hottest month after 123 years, now there will be heavy rain in July; know the latest update of IMD

Monsoon Update

Monsoon Rainfall Forecast: Rain started after the scorching heat in the month of June ,Rain, has provided some relief. Humidity is still there. Meanwhile, the Meteorological Department ,IMD, The latest weather forecast ,Weather Forecast, It has been issued. It has been said that more than normal rainfall can be recorded in July. Meteorological Department (Weather Department) He also said that this kind of heat was experienced in June after 123 years. Before this, the month of June was this hot in the year 1901.

weather department ,IMD Weather news) According to the data released by the Meteorological Department, this summer, a total of 536 days of heat wave were recorded in India, which is the highest after 2010 (578 days). At the same time, heat wave lasted for 181 days in June alone, which is more than 2010 (177 days). According to the Meteorological Department, the average temperature in the month of June was recorded at 31.73 degrees Celsius, which is 1.65 degrees Celsius more than normal. This is the highest since the year 1901.

Heavy rains in the entire country except the Northeast

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) said that the country may receive above normal rainfall in July except some parts of the northeastern region. The average rainfall in July over the country as a whole is likely to be above normal which may be 106 percent more than the long period average (LPA) of 28.04 cm. Most parts of the country are likely to receive above normal rainfall except many parts of Northeast India and some parts of Northwest, East and Southeastern Peninsular India.

When will we get relief from the humidity?

The IMD said maximum temperatures are likely to be below normal in many parts of northwest India and south peninsular India except the west coast. Temperatures are likely to be above normal in many parts of central India, east and northeast India and the west coast, the weather department said. The IMD said minimum temperatures are likely to be above normal in many parts of the country except some parts of northwest and adjoining areas of central India and some parts of southeast peninsular.

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