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Turtle abduction mystery solved by Instagram Sleuth

A worker at a restaurant in Houston, Texas was able to resolve one charge Tortoise According to local outlet ABC13, the kidnapping mystery using social media.

Javier Montemayor, who tends the bar and manages the Cedar Creek Cafe InstagramThe outlet said it discovered that a semi-regular customer, who has not been identified, had taken turtles that live in Turkey Alley, which runs through the establishment’s property.

Montemayor told ABC13 that a customer came into the establishment on Wednesday and started talking about making turtle soup with local reptiles.

“I was in shock. I thought it was a joke, ‘I’m going to eat your turtles,’” he told the outlet.

Montemayor said security footage showed he brought fishing line and bait with him.

Another employee reported seeing a man carrying at least one turtle in his truck, prompting Montemayor to track him down on Instagram.

ABC13 reports that a since-deleted post from the man discussed taking a turtle and making it into turtle soup.

Montemayor said he spoke to the man via Instagram DMs and demanded that he return the turtles to the bay, but said the man argued that Turkey Alley was public property, writing, “Buy me 20 (pounds) of turtle meat. I will just come and leave them.”

In a statement to ABC13 on the legality of turtle harvesting, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department said that a person must have a valid hunting license and landowner consent, and that, “It is considered unlawful to take or keep any freshwater turtle for commercial purposes. To keep more than six (6) individuals of any species of freshwater turtle from the wild or from the wild Texas Outdoor Annual (PDF page number 14).

Montemayor said others came together on Instagram to support Cedar Creek and helped change the man’s mind, according to ABC 13.

The man returned the turtles to the Yeti cooler at around 10pm on Wednesday and returned to the bridge.

ABC13 reported that they contacted the man after he returned the turtle, and he said it was a joke, and that he never planned to eat the turtle.

Newsweek Cedar Creek Café was reached via the form on their website and Montemayor via Instagram DMs for comment.

According to NPR, turtle soup became a popular dish in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, even being served to President Andrew Jackson in the White House.

According to Magazine of the Texas Parks and Wildlife DepartmentTexas has more than 28 species of turtles, and the state is home to so many turtles because of its diverse geography, topography, and geology.

This Magazine of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Also stated that threats to turtles include habitual destruction, turtle fishing and people’s desire to own them as pets.

The restaurant said ABC13 They are happy that the turtles have returned and are considering placing a “turtle cam” along Turkey Gully to prevent future cases of turtle fishing.

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Post Turtle abduction mystery solved by Instagram Sleuth appeared first Newsweek.

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