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Trump, who has called climate change a ‘hoax’, what big decisions can he take upon returning to the White House, why are activists protesting?

Presidential elections are going to be held in the US in November. Before this, both the major parties are making many promises. In this episode, Trump’s former Interior Department Secretary David Bernhardt made a big statement. He said that after coming to the White House, Trump will improve all the policies that Biden and Harris had taken, especially those related to the environment.

While in power, Trump took many big and small decisions, which created a ruckus among environmentalists. The allegation was that Trump does not care about the climate. Let us know what were the things due to which Trump came under fire.

Distance made from Paris Agreement

Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement within a short time of assuming power. This was an agreement related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Since greenhouse emissions are high in the US due to industries, its target was also high. However, the Trump administration made it clear that they were withdrawing from it, calling it against the country’s economic interests. Later, Joe Biden rejoined it.

During his tenure, Trump promoted spending on traditional sources of energy such as oil and natural gas. He relaxed many regulations for the coal industry, such as removing strict pollution control. He even publicly described global warming as a myth and said that it is being made an issue out of nothing.

Donald Trump Former US President Climate Change Controversy Photo AFP

While fighting for the presidency this time, Trump is showing the same old attitude towards climate change. His former Interior Department Secretary David Bernhardt even said that if elected, he will already change many policies that have been made by the current government.

What are the main climate policies that may change

In April, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made a rule that asks coal plants to adopt new technology so that less greenhouse gas is produced. If someone does not do this, then the plant may have to be closed. The Biden administration estimates that this will reduce carbon emissions from these plants by 88 percent by the year 2047.

At the same time, Trump indicated that once he comes to power, he will change this order so that coal mines can function properly and Americans can get electricity at a lower cost.

Donald Trump Former US President Climate Change Controversy Photo Reuters

Upheaval in the automobile industry

The Biden administration also made several rules to stop pollution from vehicles. For example, in March, the government tightened the rules on automobiles so that the production of electric and hybrid vehicles could increase.

Opposing this, Trump said that such decisions will create bloody conflict in America and weaken the country’s economic condition. This will also lead to loss of jobs. According to the New York Times, Trump can change this too after returning to the White House.

The Biden administration spent heavily

In the year 2022, the US government made the Inflation Reduction Act. It was considered the biggest investment in pollution control in America, which would cost not a little but more than 340 billion dollars. Under this, the US government asked to work on clean energy sources. Electric vehicles are one form of this.

Trump called the huge subsidy on electric vehicles the biggest stupidity. However, even if Trump wants, it is not easy to remove this act, it will require the consent of the entire Congress.

We have already talked about the Paris Agreement. Trump had distanced himself from it, while Biden agreed to it again on the very first day. Now Trump says that if elected, he will again withdraw from it so that industries can run smoothly, and the American public can get products at a lower price.


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