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Trump Slams Biden After 2024 Withdrawal: ‘Not Fit to Run’

Trump Slams Biden After 2024 Withdrawal: 'Not Fit to Run'

Trump Slams Biden After 2024 Withdrawal: 'Not Fit to Run'

Former President Donald Trump harshly criticized President Joe Biden after he withdrew from the 2024 presidential race, calling him "crooked" and "not fit to run". Trump claimed Biden attained the presidency through lies and deception[1]. He also renewed his criticism of Biden's border and immigration policies, expressing concerns about unchecked migration and the influx of individuals from prisons, mental institutions, and a surge in terrorists entering the country. Trump's campaign quickly mobilized supporters through a text message campaign urging contributions to his WinRed donation page to rally "ONE MILLION Pro-Trump Patriots" for his 2024 bid.

Former President Donald Trump swiftly reacted to President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race, calling him “crooked” and stating he was “not fit to run” for president.

In a post on Truth Social, Trump criticized Biden’s presidency, alleging he attained the position through deception and lies. He emphasized the need to quickly remedy the perceived damages caused by Biden’s administration.

Trump also renewed his criticisms of Biden’s border and immigration policies, expressing concerns about unchecked migration and the influx of individuals from prisons, mental institutions, and a surge in terrorists entering the country.

Shortly after Biden’s announcement, the Trump campaign mobilized its supporters through a text message campaign, urging contributions to his WinRed donation page. The campaign aimed to rally “ONE MILLION Pro-Trump Patriots” to support Trump’s bid for the presidency.

In his statement, Trump reiterated his slogan “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” and expressed confidence in his ability to beat any candidate the Democrats put forward.

Biden, in his announcement, stated that he would not seek re-election to concentrate on fulfilling his presidential responsibilities[3]. He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve as President and explained that stepping aside would benefit both his party and the nation by allowing him to focus entirely on his current term.

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