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Trump lawyers to court e. Jean will ask for a verdict in the Carroll case

Lawyers for former President Donald Trump will appear before a federal appeals panel to make an argument on Friday $5 million verdict Author E. Holding him responsible for sexually abusing and defaming Jean Carroll was “unfair” and should be thrown out.

The case is one of two in which a unanimous federal jury awarded the total to Carroll Over $88 million.

In a May 2023 trial, jurors heard evidence related to Carroll’s allegation that in the mid-1990s, Trump sexually assaulted her in a department store dressing room and defamed her after the story became public in 2019.

The second trial, which resulted in an $83 million verdict in January of this year, revolved around additional allegations of defamation.

In their appeal of the first ruling, which Trump’s lawyers are arguing Friday, they claimed the judge issued “erroneous and prejudicial evidentiary rulings.” They said two of Carroll’s friends should not be allowed to testify. Friends said Carroll spoke to them in the 1990s shortly after the alleged assault. Trump has denied all wrongdoing.

Trump’s lawyers also said Two other women Should not be allowed on the stand. Carroll’s attorneys called Jessica Leeds and Natasha Stoynoff, who testified about alleged abuse by Trump that paralleled Carroll’s allegations.

Carroll’s lawyers called Trump’s appeal a demand for a “do-over” with “claims of error and widespread complaints of injustice.”

Lawyers for Trump, the Republican nominee for president, will have 10 minutes to argue their case before the US Court of Appeals to a three-judge Second Circuit panel appointed by former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, both Democrats.

Carol’s lawyer will also have 10 minutes.

Graham Cates is an investigative reporter covering criminal justice, privacy issues and information security for CBS News Digital. Contact Graham at [email protected] Or [email protected]

Post Trump lawyers to court e. Jean will ask for a verdict in the Carroll case appeared first CBS News.

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