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Trump hammers Kamala Harris on immigration and economy during town hall with Sean Hannity

Former President Donald Trump slammed his Democratic presidential rival and predicted another Great Depression if she is elected to office.

Trump made the comments Wednesday evening while appearing at a town hall event in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania with Sean Hannity on Fox News. The event was pre-taped with a live audience.

‘This will be the Depression of 1929. She has no idea what she’s doing.’

Hannity played a series of clips showing Harris’ past misstatements on immigration and gave Trump an opportunity to excoriate the Harris and Biden administrations over the crisis at the border.

“It’s the worst border in the history of the world!” Trump said.

Once elected he received a standing ovation from the audience after promising “the largest deportation in the history of our country”.

Hannity also asked a question for Trump to shock Harris into saying she was going to ban fracking, a key issue in the key swing state of Pennsylvania.

At one point, Trump accused Harris of having notes during a sit-down interview with Dana Bash on CNN and had already been given questions.

“I know all about notes!” he said. “It’s fine if people know that. But she wasn’t supposed to have notes. After every question, she looked down! She had notes! That means she knew the questions.

Trump predicted that the United States would go into another 1929-style recession if Harris was elected and implemented his far-left tax proposals.

“If you let the Trump tax cuts expire, which he wants to do, he wants to expire. If you do that, you’re going to have the biggest tax increase in history,” he said. Claimed. “If she becomes president, this country will go into a depression. Like 1929. This will be the depression of 1929. She has no idea what she’s doing.”

The hour-long special was the first part of a two-part town hall. Presumably, the second part will include questions from the audience for the former president.

A video on Social media Thousands lined up to join Trump at the town hall.

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