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Trump calls Elon Musk the wrong name as his biographer says the candidate is ‘hyper-aware’ Voters doubt his mental prowess.

Former President Donald Trump called by mistake Elon Musk Under a false name at a rally in Wisconsin on Saturday.

The former president referred to Musk as “Leon” while praising his plan to bring in the SpaceX CEO. Two stranded astronauts Back from the International Space Station.

“Boeing’s had a little bit of a hard time, so they’re saving — Leon’s going to send a rocket,” Trump said. “He waits for it. That’s all he thinks about.”

It comes after Trump’s former biographer said The Guardian That the former president was “hyper-aware” that people were picking up on his mental slips.

Timothy O’Brien, author of “Trumpnation: The Art of Being the Donald,” spoke to the newspaper about Trump’s bombastic speeches and mental agility, which he said are coming under increasing scrutiny.

“The reason he now offers these complicated explanations of his speech patterns in his public appearances is because he’s very aware that people notice that it makes even less sense than before,” O’Brien said.

“What we’re seeing now is a reflection of someone who is very troubled and very desperate,” he added.

O’Brien was referring to Trump’s response to criticism of his vague speeches, which he said was part of a brilliant strategy he called “weaving.”

“I knit. Do you know what knitting is? I’m going to talk about nine different things that all come back together brilliantly. And it’s like, and my friends who are like English professors, they say: ‘That’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen,'” he told Crowds in Pennsylvania.

“But fake news, you know what they say, ‘he pushed.’ It’s not rambling. What you do is you go off topic, mention another little titbit, then you go back to the topic, and you go through this and you do that for two hours, and You won’t even mispronounce a word,” he added. .

The mental health of Trump and President Joe Biden comes under intense scrutiny in the 2024 election race.

While Trump has been challenged on apparent errors viz Often a mix of “Obama” and “Biden”. During campaign speeches – something he claims he did on purpose – a widespread concern following Biden’s own mental breakdowns probably played a part in his decision out of the presidential race.

In the run-up to that historic decision, Trump tried to capitalize on any mistakes Biden made, and the president’s struggles in a disastrous TV debate performance were seen by many as the final nail in the coffin.

At one point in the debate, with Biden seemingly stumbling over his words, Trump quietly said: “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he even knows what he said.

But with the more consistent Vice President Kamala Harris now running against him, Trump faces a tougher rhetorical challenge, making his speeches seem more chaotic.

“Now that he has a different, younger, more intense and dynamic political opponent, I think that makes up for it because he now often looks ridiculous or unhinged, unfocused or very old,” O’Brien said.

Post Trump calls Elon Musk the wrong name as his biographer says candidate is ‘hyper-aware’ Voters doubt his mental acuity. appeared first Business Insider.

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