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Took a selfie while standing on the top of a 102-storey building! Video will shock you

People who are fond of stunts never do small stunts. They always try to do something that will give goosebumps to people. While doing this, they take full care of their safety and sometimes even risk their lives. Nowadays, a video is going viral on the internet, after watching which people are not able to believe their eyes.

Users are forced to bite their fingers after watching the video

This video is of the Empire State Building in New York City, USA. This video of a boy doing stunts while standing at a height is making the viewers bite their fingers.

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In the video, the boy is seen standing on the top of the antenna on the roof of the Empire State Building, from where it would be difficult for those who are afraid of heights to even look at it. This stunt was performed at a height of 1435 feet, which is a record in itself and is not within everyone’s reach.

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The video is shot using a helicopter, which is not visible in the video. The boy is standing on the antenna holding a rope attached to it and is fearlessly performing stunts, as if he has a setting with Yamraj. In the caption, he himself told where he is standing. As soon as he reaches the highest point, a helicopter passes by him, which makes the scene even more dangerous.

When the helicopter’s camera looks down from above, the surrounding buildings look like small square heads.

The video has been shared from an Instagram account named @livejn, which has been viewed more than 2 crore times so far. There are many such stunt videos on the Instagram account of @livejn that you will be surprised to see. Seeing his ability to perform stunts at heights, it seems as if it is a child’s play for him.

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