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Three Labor MPs attacked Lammy over the ban on arms sales

Three Labor MPs, including the Solicitor General, have attacked David Lammy on his ban On the sale of some weapons to Israel.

In a letter to the Foreign Secretary, the trio warned that Jewish voters were “upset and angry” at the move, Which is being heavily criticized.

His intervention comes amid deep divisions in the party over how Sir Keir Starmer should respond to the escalating war in Gaza.

MPs representing North London seats include Sarah Sackman, who is one of the government’s top legal advisers as Solicitor General.

Her involvement in the letter will prove embarrassing for the prime minister, who now faces the choice of whether to fire her for breaking ranks.

Ms Saikman stressed that she fully supported the Government’s position and that the letter only set out the concerns of her constituents.

On Monday, Mr Lamy announced he was suspending around 30 arms export licenses citing alleged breaches of humanitarian law.

In doing so, he consulted government lawyers. It is not clear whether Ms. Sackman was personally involved.

His decision drew a furious response from Israel and raised fears in the backbench that the party was once again alienating Jewish voters.

Writing to them, the three MPs said the constituents “were in touch and expressed deep concern and displeasure about the arms ban decision”.

They also warned that voters felt the decision would boost Hamas and Iran, while damaging Britain’s relationship with Israel as a key ally.

“Many voters are upset and angry about the timing of this announcement, which, you know, came so soon after. Six hostages killed by Hamas terrorists” they wrote.

“There was particular outrage that the announcement itself coincided with the funeral of one of the hostages, Harsh Goldberg-Paulin.”

Mr Goldberg-Paulin was buried on Monday after his body and the bodies of five other murdered hostages were recovered by the Israeli Defense Forces.

This The hostages were reportedly killed 48 to 72 hours earlier They were found after their captors were tipped off that Israeli soldiers were approaching.

In the letter, the three MPs said voters “also raised questions about the message it sends to Israel’s enemies, including Hamas, Iran and Iran’s proxies”.

They wrote: “While the decision may be intended to de-escalate the conflict, there is great concern that it may inadvertently have the opposite effect and adversely affect the security and safety of Israel and its people.”

‘The letter speaks for itself’

They warned that voters would ask them if the decision meant Britain was weakening its long-standing alliance with Israel.

“They have also raised concerns about the potential impact of this decision on Britain’s perceived credibility among its allies on the international stage,” MPs said.

Ms Sackman said: “The letter speaks for itself. I support the government’s position and international humanitarian law. This letter represents the views of some of my constituents who have been in contact during the past week.

The letter was also signed by Hendon MP David Pinto-Dusinski and Chipping Barnet MP Dan Tomlinson.

All three MPs are new to parliament as part of Labour’s 2024 intake, a group that is generally expected to toe the party line.

Sir Kiir has also faced pressure from the opposite wing of the party, with some left-wing MPs warning that his stance on Gaza has not gone far enough.

They have called for a total arms embargo, accusing Israel of war crimes.

Post Three Labor MPs attacked Lammy over the arms sales ban appeared first The Telegraph.

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