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This illustrated copy of Children of Dune is a true Listen al Gab

Another beautifully illustrated special edition of a literary sci-fi classic is now available courtesy of The Folio Society. Following the excellent illustrated editions of Dune And Dune MessiahJust republished by The Folio Society Children of Dune. The Collector’s Edition tome is bound in cloth and packaged in its own slipcase.

Within its 392 pages, you’ll find 8 full-color illustrations and ten monochrome chapter headings by artist Hilary Clark. Children of Dune Paul follows the Atreides twins as they navigate the tense political landscape shaped by the power vacuum left by Paul’s disappearance. If you want to add the final volume of Frank Herbert’s original Dune saga to your shelves, Children of Dune Currently available for purchase from Folio Society while supplies last.

If you want to complete your collection, the Folio Society has also republished limited illustrated editions of the first and second books in the Dune trilogy. Folio Society, 576-page version of Dune Features 11 color illustrations and ten monochrome chapter headings by artist Sam Weber. Dune MessiahAlso illustrated by Hilary Clark, is 248-pages and contains seven color illustrations and ten chapter headings. like Children of DuneOther entries from the limited edition run are bound in illustrated cloth covers and packaged in their own individual slipcases.

original Dune Available from the Folio Society for $150, while Dune Messiah is $115. You can also choose a bundle All three books For $380.

Post This illustrated copy of Children of Dune is a true Listen al Gab appeared first Polygon.

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