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This businessman is in the news, he sleeps only for 30 minutes every day… he stays super active due to this secret

If you are asked how many hours of sleep is required every day to stay completely fit, then perhaps someone’s answer would be 8 hours, someone’s 6 hours, or someone may say that even 2 hours of sleep is enough for them. But a man from Japan claims that for the last 12 years he sleeps only for 30 minutes every day, which will surely surprise you.

Daisuke Hori is 40 years old, a businessman by profession and is completely fit. He sleeps only for 30 minutes a day, this quality brings him in the news. People are surprised that how he is so active despite sleeping so little.

On this, he says that he has completely trained his body and mind to sleep less. He has done this to increase his working hours in his daily life.

What is the secret of his fitness?

According to the South China Morning Post, Hori started developing the habit of sleeping less 12 years ago. In 2016, he started the Japan Short Sleepers Training Association, where he gives health and sleep-related classes to people. He spends more than an hour every day in the gym.

See his daily fitness

Japan’s Yomiuri TV did a show on Hori’s daily life. In which they presented Hori’s activities to the world for 3 days. During this time, Hori used to sleep for only 25 or 30 minutes every day.

Coffee helps!
Hori has taught 2100 youngsters the art of living by sleeping less in the Sleepers Training Association. He says that if you make it a habit to play some sport in your daily life, then sleeping less will not be a difficult task for you. Also, Hori claims that coffee proves to be very helpful in adopting such a lifestyle. He drinks coffee an hour before having food, so that he does not have to face sleepiness and fatigue.


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