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Thieves cut off both ears of a sleeping old man and then fled with his gold earrings

Last night some thieves broke into a house in Mungana village of Dhariavad subdivision of Pratapgarh and ran away with the gold earrings from the ears of an old man. To remove the earrings, the miscreants cut both the ears of the old man with a knife. Due to this he was in pain and started screaming. By the time other members of his family reached there, the miscreants had fled from there.

The Gadolia (blacksmith) family lives near Maharana Pratap Chauraha Primary School in Mungana village. The whole family was fast asleep at night. Then the thieves broke into the house and cut off both the ears of the sleeping elderly man and took out two tola gold earrings and fled. The victim reported this to the Mungana police station the same night.

People say that such incidents have happened in Mungana village before. A few days ago, thieves had cut off a woman’s ears and ran away with her gold earrings. The victim’s family has been living here for about 30 years and doing blacksmith work for their livelihood. The victim’s sons Ramesh and Devkaran say that thieves came at night and hit a stone on my father’s chest and cut his ear with a knife and ran away with the earrings.

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The sons said that we got our father treated in a private hospital in a bloody condition and got stitches done on both ears. He got 7 stitches on one ear and 5 on the other ear. The family says that the theft should be disclosed as soon as possible. The police of Parsola police station is investigating this incident.

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