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There was a big irregularity in PCS-J 2022 exam, 50 copies were changed in Mains, court strict

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission

UPPCSJ 2022 Result: A major irregularity has come to light in the PCS-J 2022 examination conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. It has been revealed that the answer sheets of 50 candidates were changed in the PCS-J Mains paper. Five officers have been found guilty in this case, out of which three have been suspended. At the same time Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission Departmental action is being taken against Satish Chandra Mishra, the supervising officer of the . Permission has been sought from the government to take action against the retired assistant review officer.

This entire matter has come to light after a petition was filed in Allahabad High Court by Shravan Pandey, a candidate who appeared for the Mains paper. He had alleged irregularities in the examination, after which Allahabad High Court had sought a reply from the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. In the affidavit filed by the Commission, irregularities in the PCS-J examination have been accepted. It has been said that there has been intermixing i.e. swapping in the copies of 50 candidates.

Different handwriting was found in the copy

In the petition filed by the candidate Shravan Pandey in Allahabad High Court, it was claimed that the handwriting on the copy submitted was not his. His copy had been changed. After the sensational allegations of changing the copy, Allahabad High Court had sought a reply from the commission. In the investigation conducted by the commission, it was found that not one but a total of 50 copies had been changed.

These officers were punished

After the case came to light, on the instructions of Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission Chairman Sanjay Srinet, Section Officer Shiv Shankar, Review Officer Neelam Shukla and Assistant Review Officer Bhagwati Devi have been suspended. Departmental action has been recommended against Supervisory Officer and Deputy Secretary Satish Chandra Mishra. The Commission has issued a charge sheet to him. At the same time, retired Assistant Review Officer Chandrakala has also been found guilty. However, the Commission is still calling this mistake a human error, but it may affect the result.

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