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There are many stories related to Parle-G… Do you know the meaning of ‘G’? Definitely not a genius

Be it children, old or young, if we talk about biscuits, then the first name that comes to our mind is ‘Parle-G’. Everyone will be well aware of this name. If you also eat this biscuit, then after seeing the name written on its cover, at some point or the other, you must have wondered what does ‘G’ mean in Parle-G. In response to this, most people will say Genius, which is not correct. Actually, it means something else. Let’s know…

Times have changed, but not the taste
The taste of Parle-G biscuit is still fresh in people’s tongues and it is not right to consider or call it just a biscuit brand, because people’s emotions are attached to it. Whenever Parle-G biscuit is mentioned, we go back to our childhood. Over time, many changes have been seen in the size of Parle-G biscuit, but its taste has not changed. During the Second World War, it used to be the most favorite biscuit of both Indian and British soldiers.

Many stories related to Parle-G
If we talk about the beginning of Parle, it was in the year 1929. Children of the 90s will remember that era when the combination of Parle-G with tea was the most famous. At that time, the ads released by the company for its promotion were also very popular. Not only this, there are many stories about the picture of the girl printed on the packet of Parle-G. On the other hand, if we talk about the name, it is said that the company has taken the name Parle from the Vile-Parle area of ​​​​Mumbai. But here we are talking about the meaning of ‘G’ in Parle-G.

This is how ‘G’ appeared before Parle
Parle first started producing biscuits in 1938 under the name Parle-Gluco. Before independence, Parle-G was known as Gluco Biscuit. But, after independence, the production of Gluco biscuits was stopped. Actually, wheat was used to make it and there was a food crisis in the country at that time, due to which its production had to be stopped.

The name Parle-G was given due to competition
When its production started again after the food crisis was over, many companies had entered this sector and competition in the market had increased. Britannia in particular started making its presence felt in the market through Glucose-D biscuits. Then Parle re-launched Gluco biscuits and gave it a new name ‘Parle-Gluco’, then after 1980 the name of Parle Gluco biscuit was shortened to Parle-G.

However, in the year 2000, the meaning of ‘G’ was definitely promoted as ‘Genius’. But, in reality, the meaning of ‘G’ in Parle-G was ‘Glucose’. It was used only to create a different identity in the growing business of glucose biscuits in the market at that time and it became so famous that its popularity continues till date.

Demand did not decrease even in competition
If we look at the biscuit market today, it has grown a lot, but Parle_G still maintains its dominance. This can be gauged from the fact that just like the Second World War, even during the Corona period, Parle-G broke all the old records of sales and according to the company, the sales were the highest in 8 decades.


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