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The world’s largest telescope is being built here, the world will be able to see Alien planets from Chile’s mountain

The world’s largest telescope is being built on top of a mountain in Chile to search for aliens in space. A very large dome is being built for this telescope. It will be operated by the European Southern Observatory (ESO). The name of this telescope is Extremely Large Telescope (ELT).

This telescope is being built on top of the Cerro Armazones mountain in the Atacama Desert of Chile. It is expected that this telescope will start working for the first time after four years i.e. in 2028. Currently, a protective cover is being installed on the dome. Also, support is being installed for the primary mirror.

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The world's largest telescope, Chile, Atacama Desert
Here you can see the large crane, beams and frame for the primary mirror being built inside the dome.

The pictures you are seeing here right now were taken in June 2024. Thermal insulation is being installed around the dome. Barriers are being built. Also, weather-protective covers are being installed. Because the temperature in this Chilean desert reaches extreme levels. A part of this dome will open and close by sliding.

This telescope will discover other planets, alien worlds

From where the part will open and close, the telescope will monitor the space. It will search for planets from other worlds. It will help in studying the solar system. It will also search for ancient galaxies which were formed during the Big Bang or before that. Beams have been made for the sliding doors. This dome will protect the telescope from the heat and dust of the desert.

The world's largest telescope, Chile, Atacama Desert

The primary mirror is 128 feet wide and weighs 200 tons

The primary mirror (M1) of ELT will be 128 feet wide. It will weigh around 200 tons. Big cranes and vehicles are installed inside the dome to set up the telescope. These pictures show how huge this telescope will be. 798 hexagonal glasses have been added to make the primary mirror.

Five different mirrors will be installed in this telescope

This is the world’s largest segmented mirror being made for a telescope. ELT will have a total of five mirrors. All will have different shapes. All will have different sizes. All will have different functions. So that they can investigate space thoroughly.

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