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The word ‘Awara’ will no longer be used for cows in Rajasthan, now this name has been given – The word ‘Awara’ will no longer be used for cow cattle in Rajasthan

cow not stray

Rajasthan government’s decision

Rajasthan news, The word ‘stray’ will no longer be used for cows in Rajasthan. Animal Husbandry and Dairy Minister Zoraram Kumawat made this announcement in the Assembly. Kumawat was responding to the debate on the grant demand of the Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Department (Demand No. 47) in the Assembly on Wednesday night. After the discussion, the House passed the grant demands of more than Rs 15.58 billion of the Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Department by voice vote.

Now they will be called destitute

The minister said, the state government is committed to make the cattle farmers economically self-dependent by developing the valuable animal wealth of the state and increasing livestock production. Also, it is working sensitively for the protection and promotion of cows and bulls. He said that from now on the word ‘Niraashrit’ will be used for stray cattle.

He said that Chief Minister Animal Husbandry Development Fund will be constituted in the state with a provision of Rs 250 crore. Along with this, Chief Minister Mangala Animal Insurance Scheme will be started by including other animals along with dairy animals. Animal fairs will be organized in all the districts in a phased manner for the convenience of animal breeders.

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