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The wife was not getting pregnant, this matter came to light after investigation, the husband filed a case of fraud

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  1. A case of a unique dispute between husband and wife has come to light in Sarkhej, Gujarat
  2. After marriage, a 34-year-old man found out that his wife’s age was less than stated
  3. This complicated her efforts to conceive, so she filed a case of fraud

Husband’s files cheat Complaint in Gujarat: When a 34-year-old man from Sarkhej, Gujarat took his wife to the doctor after struggling to conceive for a year, he was prepared to face any challenge life throws at him. However, he was not prepared for what the medical report revealed. According to the sonography report, his wife’s age at the time of marriage was recorded as 32 years, but she was more than 40 years old.

The report also confirmed that natural conception would be impossible without medical intervention due to her age. Upset over the alleged deception, the man approached the Vejalpur police, who registered an FIR against eight people, including the wife, her father and her relatives, under several sections of the IPC related to breach of trust, forgery, cheating, criminal conspiracy and intimidation.

‘His date of birth was shown as May 18, 1991 in his biodata’

The 34-year-old man told the police that he was introduced to his future wife in May 2023. ‘Her biodata showed her date of birth as May 18, 1991, which makes her 18 months younger than me. After meeting her family, our marriage was fixed for June 19, 2023. The girl’s family requested that the wedding take place in a village in Palanpur,’ he said in the FIR.

‘Despite repeated requests, her family delayed providing proof of age and education. On the wedding day, during the marriage ceremony, they submitted copies of her school leaving certificate and passport, which were accepted as genuine by the community. My wife’s date of birth was recorded in the marriage register as May 18, 1991,’ he told the police.

‘Months later, the couple’s attempts to conceive were unsuccessful’

‘Woman did not give original papers’ Months later, the couple’s attempts to conceive were unsuccessful. ‘Without telling me or anyone else at home, my wife and my sister-in-law went to a doctor in Juhapura for a check-up. However, she did not tell me the report. Later, in September 2023, we consulted a gynaecologist in Paldi. According to the doctor, the sonography report indicated that my wife was showing signs of a 40 to 42 year old. He said she would not be able to conceive naturally,’ he said in the FIR.

‘Her brothers tampered with her date of birth in official documents’

The man told the police that he got his wife’s report from the doctor in Juhapura, and the findings matched the gynaecologist’s report. ‘After marriage, whenever I asked for the original documents to officially register the marriage and for banking purposes, my wife avoided giving them. In September, she returned to her parents’ home. When I inquired, I came to know that her brothers had tampered with her date of birth in the official documents and changed it from May 18, 1985 to May 18, 1991.’

‘When questioned, he allegedly admitted to the fraud’

When questioned, he allegedly admitted to cheating and apologised, the confession of which has been recorded by the complainant in a two-hour audio. The husband also alleged that after marriage his wife would frequently visit her parents’ house and would often take away valuables given by him and his family.

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