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Home » The Simpsons Did Not Predict the Trump ‘Assassination Attempt

The Simpsons Did Not Predict the Trump ‘Assassination Attempt

Last Updated on 14/07/2024 by wccexam Desk

Recent claims that The Simpsons predicted the shooting incident at Donald Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania are false. While the long-running animated series has made numerous uncanny predictions over the years, there is no evidence that it foresaw this specific event.

On Saturday, July 14, 2024, Trump was briefly evacuated from the stage after shots were fired at his rally, with the former president confirming that a bullet grazed the upper part of his right ear. The Secret Service reported that the shooter and one bystander died during the incident .

In the aftermath, social media users began circulating claims that The Simpsons had predicted this ‘assassination attempt’ on Trump. They shared an image purportedly showing a Trump-like character lying in a casket, suggesting the show had foreshadowed his death .

However, this image is not from any actual Simpsons episode or official artwork. It was simply a fan-made edit, using a promo image from a different Simpsons short film . There is no record of The Simpsons ever depicting Trump’s death or an assassination attempt on him.

While The Simpsons has become renowned for its uncanny ability to predict future events – from Donald Trump’s presidency to the Disney-Fox merger – this particular claim about an assassination attempt is unfounded . The show’s producers have stated that predictions of world events attributed to The Simpsons are often false or exaggerated .

In conclusion, the theories circulating online about The Simpsons predicting the shooting incident at Trump’s rally are baseless. The show has not depicted or foreshadowed any such event, and the image being shared is simply a fabrication by an enterprising fan, not an actual Simpsons prediction.