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The old parents appealed to the government for help, what will happen to the daughter of UP who is imprisoned in UAE?

A girl from Uttar Pradesh is taken to Dubai by deceit. After being taken there, she is held hostage in a house. She is made to work as a maid in the house. One day a small child dies in the same house. Later a court in UAE holds the same Indian girl responsible for the death of that child and sentences her to death. Now the family members of that girl in India are pleading for help from the Indian government. Because after 20 September, that girl can be given death penalty anytime.

Sentence to death
The daughter is in a Dubai jail, about 2500 kms away from India and here in UP, the elderly parents are heartbroken. Had it been just about the jail, they might have convinced themselves. But here, the daughter’s life is at stake. The Dubai government has sentenced her to death and she can be hanged any day after 20 September.

The helpless old parents are in a bad condition
Although for every parent their daughter is a princess. But here the daughter’s name is also a princess. So the princess is calling her elderly parents, the only hope of her life, from Dubai. She is pleading to save her. And here the innocent and helpless parents of the princess living in the village are crying bitterly. Sometimes they are pleading to the CM and sometimes to the PM to save the life of their beloved daughter.

This is how the life of the princess changed
When their daughter left for Dubai three and a half years ago with dreams of a happy life in her eyes, they hoped that everything would be good in her life now. But little did they know that in a few years, their daughter would be given the death penalty in a foreign land. Now life has taken a 360-degree turn. The dreams of a better life have been shattered. Now the only wish left is that somehow their beloved daughter’s life should be saved.

How did this happen?
But how did this happen to the 33-year-old princess? Why and how was she sentenced to death in Dubai? How did she reach Dubai? And what crime did she commit there that put her life in danger? So to know the answers to all these questions, you will have to go back 25 years from today.

25 years ago the princess became a victim of an accident
Shahzadi, daughter of Shabbir Khan, a resident of Goyra Mugli, a small village in Banda district of UP, must have been eight years old when one day she got badly burnt while cooking on the stove. This accident was so terrible that her entire face was burnt. After this, she continued to be treated for months, but her face never returned to its former glory. But Shahzadi did not give up and after growing up, she started working with a social organization in Banda. She kept helping the poor.

Uzair of Agra had deceived
But during this time, Shahzadi’s life took a big twist when she met a boy named Uzair from Agra on Facebook, who promised to send her to his aunt and uncle in Dubai, arrange for her food and lodging and get her face treated. For Shahzadi, who was growing up with a burnt face since childhood, this offer was like a dream come true. She immediately agreed to go to Uzair’s aunt and uncle’s house in Dubai. But she did not know that a different trouble was waiting for her in Dubai.

Reached Dubai on 19 December 2021
After getting the visa etc., Uzair put Shehzadi on a flight to Dubai on 19 December 2021 and there in Dubai, Uzair’s uncle Faiz received her. But what happened to her after this was very horrific. Faiz and his wife Nazia held her hostage and made her do household chores. If Shehzadi’s family is to be believed, Uzair did not help her at all, rather he sold their daughter Shehzadi to his own aunt and uncle for about one and a half lakh rupees.

Four month old baby dies
In this way, Shahzadi was trapped in Dubai. But she had no way to escape from there. But after this, the situation worsened when Uzair’s aunt and uncle, Nazia and Faiz’s four-month-old child died. Actually, Shahzadi used to take care of the child in their absence. One day, after getting the vaccine, the child’s health deteriorated. Then on Nazia’s advice, she also gave medicine to the child.

The princess was held responsible for the death of the innocent
Even the child’s grandmother was present in the house that day, who was taking care of the child. But the child did not get well and eventually died in the hospital. But the limit was crossed when the child’s parents held the princess responsible for the death of the innocent child and she was arrested. And in a hurry, the court there also sentenced the princess to death for this.

Appeal for help from Modi and Yogi
Currently, the situation is such that Shahzadi’s elderly parents living in a village in Banda are in constant pain ever since they received a call from their daughter. They have pleaded with PM Modi and CM Yogi to save their daughter. Although Shahzadi’s elderly parents had also gone to the Ministry of External Affairs in Delhi to seek security for their daughter’s life, from where they have also received assurance of help, but the parents are inconsolable until they get a guarantee of their daughter’s life being saved.

Case filed against Uzair
Now Shahzadi’s family has filed a case against Uzair and his relatives for sending their daughter to Dubai through human trafficking and putting her life in danger there. Banda police has started investigating the case. But until Shahzadi’s family gets the news of their daughter’s life being saved, they are holding their breath.

This is how the princess can be saved
He says that if the government takes initiative in this matter and talks to the king of Dubai and gets his daughter’s punishment pardoned, then the way may open. The second way is if the child’s parents free their daughter from the charges, then also her life can be saved. In such a situation, it is hoped that the efforts of the parents and the government will bear fruit and not only will the princess’ life be saved, but she will also return to her homeland after freedom.

(Input by Siddharth Gupta from Banda)


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