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The little elephant insisted on playing football with his mother, the video will touch your heart!

In the busy life of the world, people often turn to nature to find peace. For this reason, some people go to experience jungle safari away from the crowd of cities. Seeing the life of wildlife closely also gives a different perspective. But when this is not possible, then people take out time and feel relieved by watching videos of animals on social media.

One such video showing the innocence of animals’ lives is touching people’s hearts. In this video, a baby elephant is trying to convince its mother to play football. The video is so cute that it is touching people’s hearts.

A cute scene can be seen in the video, where a baby elephant is convincing his mother to play football. The baby elephant repeatedly pushes a ball-like object towards his mother, but the mother does not feel like playing. Despite this, the baby elephant does not give up. He repeatedly tries to get his mother to join him in the game.

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This video has been shared by Lek Chailert, founder of Thailand’s Elephant Nature Park. This video, posted on Instagram on August 30, has received more than one lakh views so far.

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This video has won the hearts of people on social media. Users have also reacted in the comment section. One user wrote- This video reminded me of my childhood. In my childhood, I also used to insist my mother to play with me. Another user said that watching this video shows how much similarity there is between humans and animals.

Lek Chailert is the founder of Elephant Nature Park and Save Elephant Foundation. Many videos related to elephants are found on his Instagram page, which beautifully show the nuances of the life of these giant creatures. These videos give an opportunity to understand the life of those elephants and their daily life.


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