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The dead body of the girl, the murderer in custody and CCTV revelations… 3 motives of murder revealed to the police in Yashashree murder case!

Yashashree Shinde murder case revealed: The police has finally solved the mystery of the murder of a 20-year-old girl from Mumbai who was brutally murdered. The name that has emerged as the murderer is the same boy named Dawood who had sexually abused the girl 6 years ago and was jailed for the same crime. But the surprising thing is that the picture is still not clear about the motive behind the murder. The police investigation is ongoing.

The one who was suspected turned out to be the murderer
Some CCTV footage had already indicated that the murderer of 20-year-old Yashashree Shinde, a resident of Uran, was none other than her old acquaintance Dawood Sheikh. And now Uran police has confirmed this by arresting Dawood Sheikh from Gulbarga in Karnataka. If the police is to be believed, Dawood has also confessed to killing Yashashree during the initial interrogation.

The motive of the murder is not clear
It is another matter that questions remain about the motive behind the murder. Uran police says that the motive behind the murder will be clear only when the accused Dawood is brought to Navi Mumbai and questioned. In fact, 20-year-old Yashashree Shinde, a resident of Uran taluka near Mumbai, was murdered between last Thursday and Friday. Later, the police recovered her mutilated body, which had many knife wounds on it.

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CCTV footage revealed the secret of the murderer
Although the Shinde family was blaming a taxi driver Dawood Sheikh for their daughter’s disappearance and murder, when the police collected CCTV footage from around the crime scene, the story became almost completely clear as to how Yashashree Shinde was seen walking towards the spot where her body was found at around 2:17 pm on Thursday afternoon, while barely five minutes later, at around 2:22 pm, Dawood Sheikh was also seen going in the same direction. That is, both these footages indicate that both of them were at the same place on Thursday afternoon where Yashashree’s body was found, i.e. where she was murdered.

Yashashree used to talk to Dawood often
But this is just one piece of evidence. If police sources are to be believed, they have Yashashree’s CDR, which shows that she used to talk to Dawood Sheikh and even before her death on Thursday, she had talked to Dawood several times. This CDR is an indication that Dawood called her and asked her to meet him and then killed her. Now let’s talk about the possible motive of the murder. Which the police is currently trying to find out.

Possible reason for murder number 1- Took life for revenge?
Actually, Dawood Sheikh had befriended Yashashree in 2019 and exploited her. Yashashree was a minor then. Her family filed a report against Dawood and he went to jail. In such a situation, the family suspects that Dawood killed her to take revenge on them and their daughter. Because he had a grudge against them after going to jail. Obviously, this theory is very important. And the police is currently investigating this aspect as well, whether this is the reason behind Yashashree’s murder and the brutality done with her body or something else?

Possible reason for murder number 2- Murder in a love triangle?
It is now clear that Dawood Sheikh and Yashashree knew each other and used to talk to each other. Meanwhile, the police have detained another boy named Mohsin, who is also from Karnataka, for questioning. The police suspect that there could be a love triangle behind this murder, in which Dawood got annoyed with Yashashree for talking to Mohsin and out of this annoyance, he killed Yashashree. But this is still a possible theory. The truth of this theory can be revealed only after questioning Dawood.

Possible reason for murder number 3- Murder happened due to marriage?
Police also suspects a fight over marriage. Actually, police has come to know from some sources that Dawood wanted to marry Yashashree, but the girl was not ready for this. Anyway, both of them belong to different religions. Yashashree’s family had once sent Dawood to jail on the charge of cruelty towards their daughter, so Yashashree’s family would never have agreed to this relationship. Obviously, Yashashree was also not ready for this and she must have refused to marry Dawood, due to which Dawood called Yashashree in anger and killed her by deceit. At present, police is waiting for Dawood to reach Navi Mumbai, so that the whole story can be found out by interrogating him.

The girl went missing on July 25
Yashashree Shinde, a 20-year-old girl from Uran taluka of Navi Mumbai, suddenly disappeared from her home. On Thursday morning, 25 July, she left home saying that she was going to meet a friend. But she did not return home even after evening. On top of that, her mobile phone was also switched off. In such a situation, the worried family first tried a lot to find Yashashree on their own, inquired about Yashashree from her friends as well as relatives. But when nothing was found about her, they lodged a missing report of their daughter in the nearest police station on the intervening night of Thursday and Friday.

The police found an unclaimed body
After completing her studies in commerce, Yashashree was working as a data entry operator in a company. According to her family, her circle was very limited. In such a situation, even the police were surprised about her disappearance. But before the police could gather any concrete information about her, on the intervening night of Friday and Saturday, the police got the news of an unclaimed body lying near a petrol pump in Kotanaka area. This body was of a girl. And coincidentally, the age of the girl who died was also around 20-22 years. In such a situation, Uran police informed Yashashree’s family, so that by looking at the body, they could tell whether the body was of their daughter or someone else?

Dawood arrested after his name came up in investigation
But now the biggest question was who did this to Yashashree? What enmity did this girl or her family have with anyone? And just after this, Dawood Sheikh’s name came up in the investigation and now the police have arrested Dawood Sheikh, the accused of murder.

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