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The brother-in-law used to molest her despite her refusal, fed up, the sister-in-law killed him with an axe

In Rajpur village of Dhambola police station area of ​​Dungarpur district of Rajasthan, a woman killed her cousin brother-in-law with an axe. It is said that the brother-in-law was teasing the sister-in-law who was alone at home. After which she attacked the brother-in-law with an axe. Due to which he fell down bleeding and died. The accused sister-in-law is absconding since the incident. At the same time, the police reached on information and registered a case and started investigation.

There was a fight over protesting against molestation

Dungarpur district’s Dhambola police station in-charge Tej Singh said that Chandulal son of Kaluji Nanoma, a resident of Rajpur village, told in the report that he had gone to Dungarpur on Sunday to work as a labourer. In the evening, daughter-in-law Basanti Devi wife of Naresh Nanoma called and told that there was a fight between her brother-in-law Manilal son of Kalu and sister-in-law Lakshmi wife of Kanhaiyalal Nanoma Meena. Both were fighting in the courtyard of the house. After this, Lakshmi went inside the house.

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Bhabhi is absconding since the murder

Going inside the house, he saw that brother-in-law Manilal was lying on the floor and had a head injury. When Chandulal reached home late at night, he saw that Manilal’s body was lying in a bloody state in Lakshmi’s house. As soon as the incident was reported, people from the nearby area and the village also gathered. After which the police reached the spot and sent the body for post-mortem. Along with this, the police has started searching for the absconding sister-in-law. The police has also claimed that she took this step after being fed up with the harassment by her cousin brother-in-law. At present, the real reason for the murder will be known only after the arrest of the accused sister-in-law.

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