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‘The Bachelorette’s Devin Strader posts an 11-minute video addressing Jane Tran’s “absolutely asinine” final claims: “

Devin Strader has officially re-entered the chat. He brought in a month’s worth of receipts. And he holds nothing back.

Exactly one week later A heartbroken Jane Tran revealed that the Season 21 winner had called off their engagement During the most dramatic finale in Bachelorette History, Strader released a lengthy statement via Instagram video to “try to put a little more context into the situation” and defend himself after Tran (and all of Bachelor Nation) dragged his name through the thorny rose bushes.

“I just want to state my side here, take responsibility and apologize for some of the things I couldn’t say on the AFR,” Strader began before launching into an 11-minute rendition of “his truth.” Although Strader claimed that He “doesn’t want to slander Jane in any way” or “come at her in any way or say anything negative about her,” no doubt the Season 21 lead will be extremely unhappy with the massive breach of privacy, which features months of text messages, Call records and intimate conversations between the two.

In “To Dispel Some Rumors of Alleged Misrepresentation”, Strader and Tran cleared things up by showing a series of text messages they sent each other after leaving the show and in the lead up to After the Final Rose. . He repeatedly pointed to the Aug. 27 text, in which he claims Tran — saved on his phone as “Coco Chanel” — told him they were “on good terms and friends.” Three hours before the AFR, Strader said, Tran sent another text saying, “Even though things aren’t perfect between our relationship, there will always be love and affection between us, and no matter what happens, he will always be rooting for me. She specifically says, ‘It doesn’t matter how things go on TV.’

During the live finale event, Tran called Strader out on the phone for breaking up with her, so Strader took the time to address that issue as well, revealing texts from the morning of their breakup and some of the aftermath. “As you can see, there are many different occasions where I say I really want to meet in person,” he told Instagram followers. “To say this, it basically takes us away from me. She says I call her, which wasn’t the case, at which point I felt the need that I owed her that conversation. I tried to meet with him. I tried to go to the happy couple, and she wouldn’t let me… so I didn’t really know what else to do. She pushed my hand.

“This isn’t going to be every text Jen and I ever send each other,” Strader continued to tell viewers, before scrolling down. It felt like every text he and Tran sent each other. Receipts are one thing, but Strader’s 11-minute defense quickly gets to the point where viewers Bachelorette It will seem that they have seen things that they did not see. Still, Strader continued, arguing, “I think it’s important to highlight the highs and lows of the inner workings of what happened between our relationships and when we were together.”

Strader claimed that “there are a lot of false narratives being pushed” and said that “the effort and love they have for Tran is real.” He also reveals that they didn’t drift off immediately after they got engaged, but after their breakup. “I was trying to get on with my life, it’s hard to say. I needed it for my own happiness,” he said, showing phone logs from the days he called off the engagement.

“As you can see, I never left her in the dark, and I was very open and honest about what I stood for, and especially where my heart was at the time,” Strader continued. “I’m very confused as to how to push the story that I was absent from this relationship even though I was present… To be honest, I was stunned, and frankly I was shocked, and the way our relationship was. There were no words for it. It was absolutely asinine, and it was really disappointing to hear it the way it was. We both knew it wasn’t true, but I didn’t mean to fight him.”


Think we’re done here? Not a chance! Next on the agenda? Couples Counseling! During After The Final Rose, Tran claimed that Strader was not ready for counseling to save their relationship, but Strader said that was not true.

“I’m not going to let her paint a picture that isn’t true about what’s going on in our relationship, especially regarding couple’s counseling. I know it was a big problem for him. I actually scheduled multiple appointments with her, and we went to two sessions together,” he claimed. “On top of that, Jen and I were also doing individual counseling with our respective therapists from the show at the time. The reason I stopped going to couples counseling was due to the fact that Jane fired our original therapist without consulting me about it. I just had to find out via an email from our therapist that she was sorry things didn’t work out. I confronted Jane about this, and she never even gave me an explanation. All she could say was that she didn’t like him and that she didn’t have enough experience.”

Think we’re done here Now? Not yet! Did you really think we’d make it out without hearing about Maria Giorgas, who lives for rent in the Bachelor franchise? For those who need a refresher, Tran claimed during AFR that Strader followed Georgas on Instagram the day after their breakup. He took “full responsibility” to follow through graduate Season 28 alum, but suggests the following wasn’t as deep.

“I followed her. I think I followed a bunch of Bachelor Nation accounts the week of August 14, but regardless, it was still an ill-advised decision on my part. I decided to charge emotionally, and Jen and I got into a fight at the time. were, and she and I talked about it the other day,” he explained. “I apologized, and he’s the only one who needed an apology. In that moment, I realized that I made a mistake, and I am sorry for that… I don’t know Maria. I have never met Maria. I have never met Maria, and I will never follow Maria. I know now that I hurt Jane, and I am not trying to excuse my behavior. I’m just here to apologize for that.”

Before the video ended, Strader also shot down accusations of “clubbing with Jeremy” and rewatched the show and was overwhelmed by Tran’s strong feelings for runner-up Marcus Schoberg. “I obviously had to see myself playing behind somebody else, and it’s OK, you know, we moved on from that. I wasn’t her first choice… I don’t blame her for her feelings for Marcus, but I wasn’t made aware of it even during our relationship,” he shared.

“I’m not trying to play the victim here. I really, really don’t want that,” Strader said before finally signing off. “…the things that were said about our relationship were incredibly inaccurate, and I wanted to do my best to speak to the circumstances of the situation.”

Strader apologized to Tran for the way he played things before he stopped recording, but again, we’re not sure how he’ll be willing to forgive now that Bachelor Nation has his private text messages at their fingertips. It was a real choice on Strader’s part.

The ball is now in Tran’s court, but he may be too busy with this Dancing with the stars Ballroom to give Bachelorette She broke up more time.

While you try to piece together one of (if not the) messiest breakups in Bachelor history, here’s A refresher on what was said during After the Final Rose.

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