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Tear gas, which is classified as a chemical weapon, is prohibited from being used on soldiers, then why is it being used to scare the crowd?

Protests are going on in West Bengal over the rape-murder case of a doctor. To control the crowd on the streets, Kolkata Police fired tear gas shells and used water cannons. However, this method of controlling the crowd has been quite controversial. Even the Geneva Protocol 1925 and the Chemical Weapons Convention have banned the use of tear gas in war. Then what is the reason that it is being used on protesters?

what happens with tear gas

Tear gas is a chemical irritant. It contains chemicals that cause problems in the mucus membranes and watery eyes and nose. There may be sneezing and breathing problems. But this effect lasts for a short time. However, if someone comes in direct contact with it or if a large amount enters the eyes, the situation will worsen. This can cause blindness and even lung failure.

Restrictions imposed after the war

After the First World War, it was decided in the Geneva Protocol of 1925 that all types of chemical and biological weapons should be banned. After this, the Chemical Weapons Convention came in 1997, which prepared an even bigger list. In this, once again the use of tear gas in war was banned.

However, America ignored the Geneva Convention for a long time. Even during the Vietnam War, it used riot control weapons to harm enemy soldiers. Its argument was that chemicals that cause minor damage can be used in war. In the late seventies, it also banned it.

Tear gas used on protesters in West Bengal, Kolkata doctor rape murder case, photo AFP

Then why are the protesters being tried?

There was no discussion on what countries use for crowd control at the domestic level. This is the reason that even though tear gas is banned in war, it is being used a lot as a crowd control weapon. These weapons came into use to stop riots or protests blocking roads. Their purpose is to disperse people without causing long-term damage. Whether it is high-speed water or tear gas, it has a short-term effect. But after some time it was seen that these non-lethal category weapons can also cause permanent damage.

what does the survey say

The British research institute Omega Research Foundation conducted a study in the year 2023, the data of which is frightening. According to this, in the last decade, about 1.25 lakh people were seriously injured by tear gas and other chemical irritants.

Serious injury to even death

This was discovered after looking at the medical reports after the use of crowd control weapons. The report does not mention the data of deaths caused by these, but it is claimed that if a long track is kept, then this data will definitely be visible.

It is believed that chemical irritants or rubber bullets are not as mild or non-fatal as they are considered to be. Sometimes they cause great harm, even death. If pregnant women, elderly or children are also a part of the protest, then the situation can get worse. In view of its dangers, many countries and states are looking for alternatives to less lethal crowd-control weapons.

Tear gas used on protesters in West Bengal, Kolkata doctor rape murder case Photo PTI

Water cannon is a tried and tested weapon

In this, a strong stream of water is released in a particular direction, which disperses the demonstration. Although water cannons are mostly used to control fire, but it is also used extensively in riot or protest control. These are considered relatively safe.

Attack of bright light and noise

There is another method, which is called disorientation device. These are pyrotechnic grenades, in which such an effect is created with sound and light that people lose their focus. In this, a bomb is thrown which causes ear-splitting and eye-glaring noise. This disturbs the crowd, but there is no permanent damage in this too.

What is a Kinetic Impact Projectile?

There is often talk of rubber and plastic bullets. These are weapons of the category of kinetic impact projectiles. In this, plastic bullets are sent rapidly towards the protesters. However, this method has often been used to stop riots. Serious damage has also been seen in this many times.

Tear gas used on protesters in West Bengal, Kolkata doctor rape murder case Photo- PTI

There are also acoustic weapons

These were widely used in the West. It produces a sound that travels a long distance and creates a rattling effect on the ground as well as buildings. This causes people to panic and run away and the protest stops. Sometimes it also causes permanent problems like hearing problems, especially if the people operating it are not trained.

Another category is blunt force weapons.

When protesters turn violent, the security forces use batons to stop them. This baton comes under the category of blunt force weapon. It has also become a symbol of police strictness and rules. But it can also cause serious harm or death, which depends on how forcefully it is used and on which body part.

shock device

In Hollywood films, a pistol-like thing is often seen, which when touched gives the target an electric shock. This is an electroshock weapon. Initially, it was used to control unruly animals, but then security forces in the West also started using it.


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