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Home » Tattoos of names of enemies on the body, a game of blackmailing and a murder… Inside story of the murder in Mumbai spa center

Tattoos of names of enemies on the body, a game of blackmailing and a murder… Inside story of the murder in Mumbai spa center

Last Updated on 27/07/2024 by Ankita Jain

Aamir Khan’s ‘Ghajini’ is one of the popular movies of its time. Aamir’s character in this movie was much talked about, who suffered from amnesia. Due to this disease, he had got the names and numbers of his enemies tattooed on his body. A similar real story has come to light in the country’s financial capital Mumbai. Just like the movie Ghajini, a man had got the names of his 22 enemies tattooed on a special part of his body. He did not suffer from amnesia like Ghajini, but this man lived and died every day with the names of his 22 enemies.

Amazingly, when she was murdered, the name of her murderer was the sixth name written on her body. This strangest and most shocking murder mystery of recent times begins from the Soft Touch Spa in Worli. On Wednesday morning, the police receives a call from this spa. The caller tells that a person has been murdered inside the spa. The police are shocked on hearing the news. A police team reaches the place mentioned in a hurry. There the police finds the body of a person soaked in blood. He was murdered with sharp weapons.

But while searching for the murderer, when the police sends the body for postmortem, the doctor conducting the postmortem is shocked to see the body. Because not just one or two but 22 names were written on both the thighs of the dead person. Or rather, a complete list of 22 names was printed on his thighs through tattoos. But now the question was what is this matter? What is the secret behind getting the names of 22 people tattooed on the thighs? What kind of connection do these 22 people have with the dead person, i.e. the person who got the names tattooed?

So when the police noticed the names written in this list and this one line written at the top, the mystery was soon solved. Because it was written in this line. “The names of my enemies are written in my diary. Investigate it and take action.” In this line, the diary was being discussed, but perhaps the deceased had got the names of his enemies written on his thigh to be on the safe side or to be ‘double sure’. But then the question was who was this person? And what profession was he associated with, in which the list of his enemies had become so long?

After this, when the police noticed a name written at number six along with this long list of enemies, the mystery was also revealed. This name was of none other than the same person in whose spa this person was murdered. Yes, Santosh Sherekar. Actually this spa belonged to Santosh Sherekar and he was the first one to inform the police about the murder of a person in his spa. In the investigation so far, the identity of the person who died was also clear. This person was 52-year-old Guru Waghmare. That is, an RTI activist whose job was to find faults of people through RTI.


They had to threaten him with action and extort money by blackmailing. Perhaps this was the reason why his list of enemies had become so long. Soon it became clear in the investigation that Waghmare was blackmailing Santosh Sherekar and extorting money from him for the past several years. Obviously, this was the reason why Waghmare had enmity with Sherekar and Waghmare had also written his name at number six in his list of enemies. But the question was how did Guru Waghmare reach Santosh Sherekar’s spa? And who killed him here?

When the police questioned the spa owner Sherkar about this, the sequence also became clear. Sherkar told the police that Waghmare had reached his spa last night at around 12:30 with his 21-year-old girlfriend. By then the staff working in the spa had gone to their respective homes. He himself came to know in the morning that Guru Waghmare had been murdered in his spa. That is, the incident did take place in Sherkar’s spa, but he was not aware of this incident. He said that he reached the spa in the morning when his girlfriend who had come with him told him about his murder and he informed the police.

Now the police, along with questioning Waghmare’s girlfriend, tried to understand the entire sequence of last night. The girlfriend told that it was Guru Waghmare’s birthday on Tuesday and he celebrated it with her. They both first went to a bar, where they drank together and then Waghmare took her to Soft Touch Spa. The girlfriend told that last night Waghmare also gave a party to the manager and a staff of the spa, after which she went to the spa with Waghmare, while the spa staff went to their homes. She went to sleep in a room in the spa at night. She woke up at around 9:30 in the morning.

He saw that Waghmare had been murdered. That is, both the spa owner Sherekar and his girlfriend were saying that they had seen Waghmare alive that night, but were claiming to be unaware of the murder. Now the police started a technical investigation to find out the truth. They started scanning all the CCTV cameras installed around the spa, starting from the bar where Guru Waghmare and his girlfriend had gone to celebrate their birthday before reaching the spa. In this effort, the police saw pictures of some suspicious people from the bar to outside the spa. The police saw that two people wearing raincoats were seen chasing Guru Waghmare on a scooter outside the bar where both of them had gone to celebrate their birthday. These two people had also reached the spa.

Actually, about an hour after Waghmare reached the spa, these two mysterious people came to the spa and stopped at a paan shop near the spa and bought something. These pictures of both of them stopping at the paan shop were also captured in the CCTV camera. Now the police, without wasting any time, started interrogating the paan shop owner. It was revealed that the two men in raincoats had bought gutkha from his shop last night. Both of them had paid for the gutkha through UPI. This was another big clue for the police. The police now immediately found out the name and phone number of the person who made the UPI payment to the paan shop owner.


Along with this, the call detail record (CDR) of the mobile phone of that person named Firoz Ansari was obtained. So that it could be known who he was talking to before or after the murder. The police was stunned to see that the spa owner Santosh Sherekar, who was claiming to be unaware of Waghmare’s murder, was continuously talking to the same Sherekar, Firoz Ansari, one of the two people who followed Waghmare wearing a raincoat. That means this murder not only happened at the spa owner’s place, but Sherekar himself was also involved with the murderers. Now the police tightened the noose around Sherekar.

Now he had no choice but to confess the truth. He told that on Tuesday night, Firoz Ansari and Saqib Ansari killed Guru Waghmare on his orders. Firoz and Saqib reached the spa about an hour after Waghmare reached the spa. By then the spa staff had gone home. Both of them first took his girlfriend to a room and then killed Waghmare by attacking him with the blade of the scissors they had brought with them. As soon as the story became clear, the police arrested Sherekar as well as Firoz Ansari, one of the two murderers who carried out the crime.

Later, on the information given by Firoz, his other accomplice Sakib Ansari was caught from Garib Rath Express from Kota, Rajasthan. He was fleeing to Delhi after the murder. Now the question was that why did Sherekar get Waghmare killed? And how did he plot this crime? So in further investigation, the police got the answer to these questions as well. This was no less surprising story. Actually, Waghmare was running a blackmailing racket in the name of RTI. He was blackmailing the spa owner Sherekar along with others for the last several years.

The police have arrested the owner of the spa center involved in the murder of Guru Waghmare.

Sherekar and Firoz Ansari used to have a spa in Nalasopara, Mumbai, which he complained about and got that spa closed. Even after this, Sherekar used to threaten and extort money from him. Tired of this, he gave a contract of Rs 12 lakh to his former partner Firoz Ansari. Firoz contacted Saqib Ansari, a resident of Delhi, and the three together made a plan to kill Waghmare. Three months ago, the three hatched a conspiracy and then Saqib came to Mumbai from Delhi. Firoz and Saqib started recce of Waghmare. They bought scissors with sharp blades for Rs 7 thousand.

After this, both the blades were separated. Then as per the planned conspiracy, on Tuesday night, they first followed Waghmare and then entered Sherekar’s spa and killed him. One surprising thing is that Waghmare had got the names of his wife, son and daughter-in-law written on his thigh. Actually, he had evil eyes on his daughter-in-law and because of this there was a family dispute. It is surprising that the name of Firoz Ansari, with whom he had an old enmity, who took a contract to kill him and who killed him with his own hands, was not found anywhere in the list printed on Waghmare’s thigh.