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Such a poster was put up near the liquor shop… The collector imposed a fine of 10 thousand rupees

A poster put up near a liquor shop in Burhanpur is going viral on social media these days. Here, the poster shows the way to the liquor shop to learn English. It is written on the poster ‘Learn to speak English in broad daylight’, after which the way to the liquor shop is shown by writing an arrow. Action has also been taken against the liquor shop operator for making such a vulgar joke by linking education with liquor.

The strange poster put up near the English liquor shop has become the center of discussion. Passersby, especially youth and students, are getting very confused after seeing this poster. When the employees of the liquor shop were asked about who put up this poster, they also did not give any answer and evaded the question.

Local students called the poster a mockery of education
A local college student Siddharth Kumar criticized this poster a lot. He said that seeing this poster will have a bad impact on the students. Apart from this, other students also criticized this poster. The students said that this poster should be removed and strict action should be taken against whoever has put up such a poster.

Students getting confused by the poster
The students said that looking at this poster, it seems that the liquor shop owner wants to tell through this poster that one can speak fluent English after drinking alcohol to attract the attention of the customers. This will have a bad impact on the youth and students. After seeing this poster at first glance, it seems that this is the poster of some spoken English coaching center. Putting up such a poster is a bad joke with education.

The collector imposed a fine
When the district collector Bhavya Mittal came to know about this poster, she immediately instructed the Excise Department to remove this poster and take action against the person who put up the poster. After giving instructions to District Excise Officer Virendra Dhakad, action was taken by imposing a fine of Rs 10,000 on the liquor contractor.

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