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‘Strict laws are necessary to control population, those who do not obey should lose their right to vote’, said Union Minister Giriraj Singh bluntly

Population Bill

Union Minister Giriraj Singh.


  • Giriraj Singh wants a strict law to control population
  • The Union Minister says that the country does not have resources as per the population
  • Singh says that anyone who does not follow this law should lose his right to vote

Population Control Bill : Union Minister Giriraj Singh has once again made a big statement on the population of the country. Singh has said that there is a need to bring a strict law to control the population. This law should be made with the consent of all and those who do not follow this law should be deprived of the right to vote. They should also not get government facilities. Referring to China’s ‘One Child Policy’, the BJP leader said that if China had not implemented this policy, it would not have become the second largest economy in the world today.

Union Minister’s article is published in ‘Organizer’

Giriraj Singh has written an article on population growth in RSS’s mouthpiece ‘Organizer’. In this article, he has advocated for bringing strict laws to control the population. In an exclusive conversation with Times Now Navbharat, the Union Minister said that India has become the most populous country in the world today but we should learn something from China. If China had not brought the One Child Policy in 1979, people believe that it would have had an additional population of 60 crores. If it had this population, it would not have emerged as the world’s second largest economy.

Youth and population are both dividends and challenges: Singh

He said, ‘For us, youth and population are a dividend but both of these are a challenge and a threat. We have population but no resources, there is no water and land as per the population. According to the 2011 census, we have 0.12 hectares of land and 2.5 percent water. Therefore, a strict law should be passed with everyone’s consent to control the population. This law should be equally applicable to all communities – Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists. If someone does not follow such a law, then the time has come to end his right to vote.’

Demand for debate from Parliament to the streets

The Union Minister further said that ‘Youth and population are dividends for us but they are also a challenge. 20 percent of the world’s population is in India alone. We have population but we do not have water, land and other necessary resources as per it. The tukde-tukde gang can also oppose it but there should be a debate from the streets to the Parliament to control the population and a strict law should be passed with everyone’s consent. Those who do not follow this law should be deprived of government facilities. There are 147 districts in the country where the fertility rate is skyrocketing. While the fertility rate of Hindu daughters is 2 percent, it is above 3 percent among Muslim sisters. This will spoil the social harmony in the coming times and the country’s resources will also be limited.’

Some people do not want the welfare of the country- Union Minister

Singh said, ‘Those who oppose this law do not want the welfare of the country. Here the court opens even for terrorists. Here everything happens for votes. These tukde-tukde gangs do not think for the country. Today, a population control law has become necessary for the country.’ Let us tell you that Singh has raised his demand for making a strict law on population control many times before. Obviously, after his statement, a debate can start on this. He can also become the target of the opposition.

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