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Home » STF takes action in Review Officer paper leak case, chargesheet filed against 16 including mastermind

STF takes action in Review Officer paper leak case, chargesheet filed against 16 including mastermind

Last Updated on 19/07/2024 by wccexam Desk

ARO-RO paper leak case: The legal noose is tightening against the accused in the Review Officer/Assistant Review Officer paper leak case. A charge sheet has been filed against 16 people including the mastermind in the paper leak. The STF, which is investigating the case, has filed a charge sheet against 16 accused including mastermind Rajiv Nayan Mishra in the court. Sources say that all the allegations against the accused have been found to be true in the STF investigation.

55 page charge sheet

In this case, the STF has presented a 55-page chargesheet and a 1945-page case diary in the court. After the chargesheet is filed, the trial against the accused will now begin. 15 accused are in jail and one is on bail.

The preliminary exam was held on February 11

Let us tell you that the preliminary examination of RO/ARO was held on 11 February. The examination was cancelled after the paper leak case came to light. On March 2, a report was lodged by the commission’s secretary Ashok Kumar in Civil Lines police station under sections including Public Examination Act, IT Act. STF has made 35 people witnesses in the case.

Rajeev has already failed in many exams

According to reports, Rajiv Nayan has been involved in many paper leaks. He has earned a lot of money through paper leaks and has made a lot of wealth. It is said that he has a house in Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh. The STF team has started the process of finding out about his properties and taking further action. Like Rajiv, Subhash has also made property worth crores of rupees in many cities.