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Somewhere hundreds died and somewhere the plane mysteriously disappeared… These are the 7 big air accidents that shocked the world

The plane crash that happened in Nepal’s capital Kathmandu on Wednesday has shocked the whole world. Out of the 19 people on board this plane, 18 have died. Three of the dead belong to the same family. If we talk about the last 10-12 years, Nepal is probably the only country in the world where on an average one plane crash happens every year. However, it is also true that Nepal is surrounded by mountains with high peaks. The weather changes so fast that one cannot even notice it. Moreover, the name of Kathmandu’s Tribhuvan International Airport is also included in the ten most dangerous airports in the world.

Let us know about the seven biggest air accidents in the world…

October 31, 1999: Los Angeles International Airport, USA

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The flight took off from John F Kennedy Airport in Los Angeles, USA, for Cairo. Flight 990 had a total of 217 people on board, including 203 passengers and 14 crew members. Before this accident, the pilot of the plane also came out of the cockpit. The co-pilot of the plane, Gamil Al-Batuti, had locked the cockpit door from inside. As soon as the plane reached above Massachusetts, it started falling downwards. Then in a short while, it crashed with a bang. In this accident too, all the people on board the plane were killed.

November 29, 2013: Maputo International Airport, Namibia

Lam Mozambique Airlines flight TM 470 takes off from Maputo International Airport in Namibia with 27 people and 6 crew members in bad weather for Angola. But after reaching 38000 feet, the plane suddenly starts falling downwards. Within 6 minutes it goes out of radar range. The next day, i.e. on the 30th, it is known that the plane has crashed. All the people on board have died.

After the plane’s black box was found, it was revealed that as soon as the co-pilot came out of the cockpit to go to the toilet, the pilot Herminio dos Santos Fernandes locked the cockpit door from inside and crashed the plane. In that accident too, the co-pilot had tried hard to open the door, but the pilot did not open the door.

Picture after the plane crash in Nepal, people doing rescue work…

January 11, 2021: Jakarta, Indonesia

In this accident that happened on 9 January 2021, Boeing-737 fell into the Java Sea. This Sriwijaya Air plane had taken off from Jakarta just a few minutes before the accident. There were a total of 62 people on board the plane, including 10 children. Everyone died in the accident.

May 22, 2020: Karachi, Pakistan

This plane crash happened on 22 May in Karachi, Pakistan. This plane was an Airbus-A-320 of Pakistan Airlines. There were 97 passengers and 8 crew members on board the plane. This plane crash is considered to be the most horrific accident in the history of Pakistan.

May 18, 2016 France, Paris

Egypt Airlines passenger plane Airbus-320 takes off from Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris for Cairo city of Egypt. There were a total of 66 people on board the plane including 2 pilots and 5 crew members. Contact with traffic control is lost 20 minutes before landing. In a few seconds, this plane vanishes in the air above the sea in the darkness of the night. However, till now no trace of this plane and the passengers sitting in it has been found.

Security personnel carrying the bodies of those killed in the Nepal plane crash.

February 4, 2015: Taiwan

TransAsia Airways flight number GE 235 takes off from Taipei Songshan Airport for Kinmen Island with 53 passengers and 5 crew members. The very next moment after takeoff, the pilot informs ATC that one of the plane’s engines is on fire. Within a few seconds, he loses contact with ATC. After faltering for about two minutes, the plane hits a pillar on a flyover near the airport. It falls into the river next to the flyover. 43 people were killed in the accident while 17 people were seriously injured.

October 31, 2015: Sharm-el-Sheikh International Airport, Egypt

Russian airline Metrojet flight number KGL9268 took off from Sharm el-Sheikh airport for St. Petersburg, Russia. The plane was at an altitude of about 30 thousand feet. After exactly 23 minutes, the plane suddenly lost contact with the Air Traffic Control (ATC). No trace of this plane is found either. But later it is revealed that just 23 minutes later the Russian plane crashes into the mountains of Sinai. In this accident, 224 people on board the plane died.

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