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Sometimes he worked as a waiter, sometimes he washed dishes…, the work experience of the CEO of this big company will surprise you

Just as gold becomes Kundan after being heated in fire, similarly a person can achieve heights in life only after hard work and struggle. Recently such an example of this came into discussion that would leave anyone surprised.

The LinkedIn profile of Jensen Huang, CEO of America’s multinational corporation and technology company Nvidia, is going viral these days. Actually, what the CEO of such a big company has written about his experience is not at all common.

It says Jensen, a Taiwanese-born American businessman, worked as a dishwasher, waiter and bus boy at a Denny’s in Oregon in the 1980s.

However, there are omissions in his work experience. After graduating, Huang worked as the director of Coreware at LSI Logic and as a microprocessor designer at Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). But his LinkedIn profile does not mention his work at these two places, which lasted from 1983 to 1993. He then launched Nvidia at the age of 30.

Huang, whose net worth today is $102 billion, has previously talked about starting from a small job. Huang said during a fireside chat with Stripe CEO Patrick Collison last year, “I had all kinds of jobs. We also went to a school where there were many kinds of jobs to do.” He said that his parents were not rich but they taught him hard work and values. He also said during the chat, “Look, I used to clean bathrooms and now I am the CEO of a company.”

The Nvidia CEO began working at Denny’s as a dishwasher, soon becoming a busboy and then a waiter. It was at Denny’s that the idea for Nvidia came to him for years. It was there that Huang met Nvidia co-founders Chris Malachowski and Curtis Priem in 1993.


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