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Social Security makes major changes that will affect millions of people

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is changing this in a big way Benefit programs Which can affect millions of people.

The agency announced last week that more than 30 forms will no longer require physical signatures. Instead, digital signatures will be accepted on these forms, and 13 forms will no longer require signatures at all.

“SSA is trying to enter this digital world without compromising security,” said Kevin Thompson, finance expert and founder and CEO of 9i Capital Group. Newsweek. “The need for Digital signatures The speed of should be increased processing time And automate processes that should have been automated years ago.

SSA said the change is intended to simplify the application process and eliminate a potential reason for Americans to have claims sent back or denied.

“In the forms that Americans use most, we’re eliminating as many pain points as possible, from helping people sign at the click of a button to reducing the need to drive or mail something whenever possible,” said Martin O’Malley, a Commissioner of Social Security in a statement. “This means faster and more error-free processing and better service for our customers, who deserve a government that meets their needs effectively and efficiently.”

Previously, 90 percent of the most commonly used forms in field offices required physical signatures. About 14 million of these signed forms are submitted annually.

“It’s a step in the right direction,” said Alex Bean, a financial literacy instructor at the University of Tennessee at Martin. Newsweek.

“There are many other industries that deal with sensitive personal information that have made the leap to being mostly or all digital in signature procurement, and that works very well. Having more forms available for digital signature fulfillment makes the process easier on the part of the consumer and the administration, especially considering how SSA has faced significant cutbacks in its workforce over the past decade.”

The form, which no longer requires signatures, represents one million submissions annually, including a medical source opinion of a patient’s ability to manage benefits, a letter to an employer requesting wage information and a request for reconsideration/disability termination rights.

Going forward, the signature requirement can be removed from other forms as well. The agency has already expanded its paperless communications to millions of “My Social Security” users. It includes online statements, tracking claim status and their calculations of retirement benefits.

Still, Drew Powers, founder of Illinois-based Powers Financial Group, said the transition to signature-less forms could open the door to fraud for some seniors.

“This change is not without its difficulties, however,” Powers said Newsweek. “Seniors need to be more vigilant in protecting their online identities to avoid fraudulent activity by scammers and hackers.”

SSA is facing underfunding and antiquated technology, Thompson said, which has contributed to the process’s time delays in the past.

“This should have a positive impact on processing times and receiving benefits,” Thompson said. “An additional benefit will be that many of the new beneficiaries are accustomed to the digital age and are likely to be more engaged with computers than many of the older baby boomers.”

As long as the overall system can handle the added weight of applicants, Thompson said this will be positive for the overall accessibility of the program.

“SSA has to become more streamlined and automated to allow for a more effective program,” Thompson said.

Post Social Security makes major changes that will affect millions of people appeared first Newsweek.

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