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Senator Collins Breaks from GOP, Will Not Support Trump in 2024 Election

Senator Susan Collins, a moderate Republican from Maine, has announced that she will not be voting for Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election. Instead, she will be casting a write-in vote for former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. This decision mirrors her actions in the 2016 election, when she wrote in then-US House Speaker Paul Ryan instead of voting for Trump.

Collins, who has served in the Senate since 1996 and is the longest-serving woman in the Senate, has consistently demonstrated a centrist approach to politics. Her decision not to support Trump is rooted in her belief that his style is “divisive” at a time when the country is already highly polarized. Despite her lack of support for the Democratic nominee, Collins has expressed approval for certain aspects of Trump’s policies.

Collins’ endorsement of Haley is not new; she publicly endorsed Haley earlier this year during the Republican primary. Despite Haley’s absence from the ballot, Collins remains committed to her endorsement, stating that Haley is her preferred candidate and could do a great job as president.

This stance is significant given Maine’s political landscape, where Trump has faced defeat in statewide elections but managed to secure an electoral vote due to the unique apportionment of votes by district. Collins’ decision reflects the diverse political views within Maine, where Trump’s support is strong in rural areas but less so in urban areas.

Collins’ decision not to support Trump is also notable given her role in the impeachment trial following the events of January 6, 2021, when Trump’s supporters stormed the US Capitol. She was one of seven Republicans who voted to convict Trump, a move that highlights her commitment to upholding democratic principles.

In summary, Senator Susan Collins’ decision not to vote for Donald Trump and instead to write in Nikki Haley’s name reflects her moderate stance and her desire to promote unity and stability in the country.

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