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Secret Service Denies Existence of ‘Jonathan Willis,’ Debunks 4Chan Conspiracy Theory After Trump Rally Shooting

The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania has sparked a flurry of conspiracy theories and misinformation online. One such claim, originating from an anonymous post on the 4Chan forum, has gained significant traction across social media platforms.

The post, allegedly written by a Secret Service agent named “Jonathan Willis,” claims that the agent had the suspected shooter in his sights for at least 3 minutes but was prevented from taking action by the “head of the secret service.” The post further alleges that the agent disregarded orders and engaged the shooter, only to be arrested and questioned by the FBI afterwards.

However, this claim has been thoroughly debunked by the Secret Service and various fact-checking organizations. The agency has confirmed that it has no employee by the name of Jonathan Willis, and the post is “categorically false.” [1] Investigations have revealed that the suspected shooter, identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, was swiftly neutralized by Secret Service snipers on the scene.

Experts have noted that the anonymous 4Chan post is characteristic of the platform’s tendency to incubate and spread conspiracy theories, such as the QAnon movement. The false claim has since been widely shared on social media platforms, with some users expressing skepticism about the official narrative and calling for the Secret Service director to be “charged for Treason.”

In the aftermath of the shooting, the Secret Service and law enforcement agencies have reiterated their commitment to protecting public figures and maintaining the integrity of the democratic process. They have emphasized that the snipers acted independently and in accordance with their training to neutralize the threat, without requiring explicit instructions.

As the investigation into the assassination attempt continues, it is crucial for the public to rely on authoritative and fact-based sources when seeking information, rather than unsubstantiated claims circulating on anonymous online forums. The spread of misinformation can undermine public trust and hinder the efforts of law enforcement to ensure the safety and security of all citizens.

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