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Search dogs, drone cameras, 200 people engaged in search… the story of the missing brothers in the Nahargarh hills became an unsolved mystery

Two brothers go for trekking on the Nahargarh hills near Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan. But after some time, they get separated. Both call home from their mobile phones and tell that they have lost their way. They do not know how to get back. The family immediately goes to the police. The police immediately conducts a search operation. During this, the body of one brother is found, but the other is missing. Now the police and the family are unable to understand what has happened to these two brothers in the middle of the hill?

The Nahargarh hills of Jaipur are as famous for their natural beauty as they are for trekking and tourism. But the death of one brother and the disappearance of the other brother in these Nahargarh hills has become such an unsolved mystery that the teams of Jaipur Police, Civil Defence, SDRF, NDRF and other departments are unable to solve it despite working day and night for the last five days. The body of one of the two brothers who got lost in the dense forests here has been found, but the other one is still missing.

The question here is what exactly happened to these two brothers in these dense forests, which became a dreadful mystery? Now all efforts are being made to find the second brother who is lost in the forests and solve this mystery. Let us now try to understand this whole story in a sequential manner. This dreadful story started on Sunday, September 1, at around 6 am in the morning.

September 1, 6 am

Two brothers Rahul and Ashish from Shastri Nagar, Jaipur set out for trekking in the Nahargarh hills. From morning till afternoon, the trekking does not end and in the meantime, both the brothers call their family members one by one from their mobile phones and tell them that they have got separated from each other because they lost their way. They are unable to understand how to return.

September 1, 1.30 pm

Troubled by the disappearance of their two sons aged 23 and 19, Rahul and Ashish’s family now reach the Shastri Nagar police station of the city. They tell the police the whole story. They tell how their two sons had gone for a walk in the hills of Nahargarh early in the morning. They also had a plan to visit the Charan temple, but as they proceeded, both the brothers not only got separated from each other, but also lost their way. But the Shastri Nagar police, instead of helping them and trying to find the boys, gets entangled in the boundaries of police stations. After doing the calculations, they tell that this case is not of their Shastri Nagar police station but of the city’s Brahmapuri police station.


September 1, 3.30 pm

Now the worried family members reach Brahmapuri police station from Shastri Nagar police station. They tell the same story to the police there again. But the attitude of Brahmapuri police also remains lax. Finally, when the DCP of the area gets the news of this incident, then he comes into action and first a team of civil defense is sent to the spot and then different police teams also head towards the hills of Nahargarh. First the rainy season and the setting sun. In no time it becomes evening, darkness surrounds and the Sunday is spent in the formalities of the search operation.

September 2, 10 am

The family members keep trying to talk to their sons on mobile phone, but sometimes their phone is not reachable, and sometimes it shows switched off. Despite many efforts, the family members are unable to contact Rahul and Ashish. However, till then the police keep trying to locate both the brothers by getting their mobile numbers and with the help of their last location. Now along with Civil Defence, teams of State Disaster Relief Force i.e. SDRF and National Disaster Relief Force i.e. NDRF join the search operation.

This campaign gets a big setback when the next day on 2 September, the body of the younger brother of the two brothers missing in the forest, i.e. 19-year-old Ashish, is found. Yes, Ashish’s body was lying in the forests of Nahargarh. In a hurry, with the help of the police, the body is recovered and sent for post-mortem. With this, the mystery of the disappearance of two brothers deepens a bit more. The mystery which was till now limited to disappearance, but now death was also included in that mystery. The search operation continues even after the recovery of a dead body.


Now, considering the seriousness of the situation, the search operation is intensified. Along with the drone helicopter, at least 200 people start searching the entire forest and especially the route on which these two brothers are suspected to have gone missing. On the other hand, Ashish’s death is also a mystery in itself. The question is what happened to Ashish who was lost in the forest that his body was found within 24 hours. Was he murdered or did he die due to falling from a height? The police has got the post-mortem of Ashish’s body done.

The initial report is silent on this question as well. Because the cause of death has been stated as a head injury in the report. But how did this injury occur? It is not clear at the moment. Six days have passed since the disappearance of both the brothers from 1 September to 6 September and the death of one of them, but all the agencies including the police are empty handed. That is, the mystery remains as it is. The police have recovered the mobile phone of the younger brother, but no clue has been found of either the elder brother or his mobile phone. The police have also checked the call detail record i.e. CDR of both the phones.

The police have found out that both the brothers worked in the same finance company and on the day of their disappearance, both of them had talked to a girl working in their company. In such a situation, now the police is also trying to solve this puzzle that whether the reason behind their disappearance is just getting lost in the forest or is there some relationship issue or some conspiracy behind it. Dreadful panthers are also present in these forests of Nahargarh. In such a situation, God forbid, even if it is assumed that a similar incident has happened with the missing second brother, even then the way the police and other agencies are searching the radius of three to four kilometers around the place where the younger brother’s body was found, in those circumstances, the elder brother Rahul should also have been found by now.


But despite all efforts, there is no trace of Rahul. Another surprising thing is that the place from where the police recovered Ashish’s body on September 2 is also away from the trekking route and in the middle of dense forests, where people generally do not go nor is it easy to go there. In such a situation, why and how Ashish was lost is also a big question. At present, the boys’ family i.e. the victim’s family and the people of Shastri Nagar are very angry with the attitude of Jaipur Police. They say that when they had informed the police about the disappearance of both the brothers for the first time on September 1, if the police had started the search operation seriously then instead of getting entangled in the border dispute, then perhaps both the brothers would have returned today.


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