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Scientists Discover Zealandia: The Hidden Eighth Continent Between Canada and Greenland

Scientists Discover Zealandia: The Hidden Eighth Continent Between Canada and Greenland

Scientists Discover Zealandia: The Hidden Eighth Continent Between Canada and Greenland

Zealandia: The Newly Discovered Eighth Continent

After nearly 375 years of eluding detection, geoscientists have finally unveiled Zealandia, also known as Te Riu-a-Maui, as the world’s eighth continent. This vast, mostly submerged landmass, spanning an impressive 1.89 million square miles (4.9 million square kilometers), is approximately six times the size of Madagascar.

Zealandia’s discovery was made possible through meticulous analysis of data derived from dredged rock samples retrieved from the ocean floor. A small team of dedicated geologists and seismologists crafted an updated map of the continent, documenting their findings in the journal Tectonics.

Unique Characteristics:

The Discovery Process:

Zealandia’s Origins:

Scientific Surprises:

The discovery of Zealandia has not only expanded our knowledge of Earth’s continents but also opened up new possibilities for scientific exploration and understanding of our planet’s geological history.

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