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Home » RSS News: Sangh welcomed the decision of the Central Government, said, ‘This will strengthen democracy further’

RSS News: Sangh welcomed the decision of the Central Government, said, ‘This will strengthen democracy further’

Last Updated on 22/07/2024 by wccexam Desk


Sunil Ambedkar, All India Publicity Chief of the Sangh

The first reaction of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh after the ban was lifted was that on behalf of the Sangh, the All India Publicity Chief of the Sangh, Sunil Ambedkar, welcomed this decision and also described this decision as strengthening the democratic system. He said that ‘The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has been continuously engaged in the reconstruction of the nation and service of the society for the last 99 years. Due to the contribution of the Sangh in national security, unity-integrity and taking the society along in times of natural disaster, various types of leadership of the country have also praised the role of the Sangh from time to time. Due to its political interests, the then government had baselessly banned government employees from participating in the activities of a constructive organization like the Sangh. The current decision of the government is appropriate and will strengthen the democratic system of India.’

What was the restriction imposed on employees and why was it imposed?

In November 1966, the then Congress government passed an order banning government employees from participating in the activities of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. This ban was imposed because on 7 November 1966, there was a massive anti-cow slaughter protest outside the Parliament. Lakhs of RSS-Jana Sangh supporters had gathered outside the Parliament. During this, Delhi Police was ordered to open fire, in which many people were killed. Seeing the public support of this movement, on 30 November 1966, the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, hurt by the influence of the RSS-Jana Sangh, banned government employees from joining the RSS.

BJP also welcomed this decision

BJP has also welcomed the lifting of the ban on central government employees from participating in RSS activities. BJP’s National General Secretary, Tarun Chugh said – ‘Imposing a ban on RSS decades ago was itself unconstitutional and undemocratic. Now that the ban has been lifted, it is a welcome step and a very good decision for the country. RSS has always put the nation first and has always been a person who loves the nation the most. RSS has been constantly working hard to ensure that nationalists from all sections and all fields come forward and are willing to sacrifice everything for the country. Many times, the courts of the country have also praised a nationalist organisation like RSS and its cultural imagination and the work it is doing for the country.’