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RNC 2024 Day 3: Trump’s Allies Take the Stage

RNC 2024 Day 3: Trump's Allies Take the Stage

RNC 2024 Day 3: Trump's Allies Take the Stage

The third day of the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin focused on foreign policy and national security, with a lineup of speakers that included several of former President Trump’s closest allies.

JD Vance, Trump’s newly announced running mate, delivered his first major address to the convention . Vance, the author of the bestselling memoir “Hillbilly Elegy”, sought to introduce himself to a national audience and outline his foreign policy vision, which echoed Trump’s “America First” approach.

Former Trump advisor Peter Navarro also took the stage, criticizing the Biden administration’s handling of issues like the conflict in Ukraine . Navarro, known for his hawkish views on China, argued that Trump’s presidency had projected strength on the global stage .

Trump’s eldest son, Kyle Trump, gave a speech emphasizing the need to “restore America’s strength” . The younger Trump has emerged as a prominent figure in the party, often echoing his father’s populist rhetoric .

Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida, a vocal Trump defender, delivered a speech attacking the Biden administration’s foreign policy record . Gaetz accused the president of weakness on the world stage and promised a return to the tough stance of the Trump era .

The day also featured remarks from former UN ambassador Nikki Haley, who has had a complicated relationship with Trump but now supports his 2024 bid . Haley praised Trump’s foreign policy achievements and argued that he is best equipped to confront global challenges .

Overall, Day 3 of the RNC saw Trump’s allies take center stage, underscoring the former president’s continued dominance within the Republican Party as he seeks to reclaim the White House.

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